Create Dynamic Controls and Displaying Page by Page on the form

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Esteemede Developers,

I would like to Thank All of You in advance for your sincere guidances.

I am developing a software using Visual C++ .NET Standard Edition with
Windows Form (.NET) template.

I need to create dynamically some controls on the forms, and display these
controls page by page on the form by using "Previous Page" and "Next Page"

In detailed
I will read some information from a file. The contents of this file include
Parameter information line by line. Each line is formatted. We may think
that, this file is a Table with some columns of a database.

Format of each line is similar to following:

Firstly, I will read this file and determine how many rows exist. Then, I
will create dynamically some controls for each line. Dynamically created
controls are as below:
1. Param_Number : Label
2. Param_Name : Label
3. Default_Value : Label (contents of this field will change during the
running of application)
4. Unit : Label

This group of controls will be created on the form dynamically.

The number of rows ( number of parameters) may change file to file, but
row data format will be same.

My form's size will be maximized. I want to create control groups as much
as on the form one under the other. Let's say the number of parameter is
1000, and It is possible to dynamically create 50 control groups on the form.
This means than it is required to create 20 different pages on the form.

These are my questions...!!

**** How can I create dynamically controls on the form? ,
**** How can I show them page by page on the form.? and
**** How can I go through on the pages with "Previous Page" and "Next
Page" buttons?

I will receive some parameter values from TCP/IP socket periodically.
Therefore I have to change the received parameter values at the related
Labels in each page on the form.

I am requesting you to guide me ...

With this, I extend you and all yours with my bests.

Respectfully, yours

Bil Muh
This is VB.NET but I coded for 2 years in C++ and know this should make more
than enough sense to help you.

1. The first thing I always do is put a panel on my form.
You will stick all your controls on that panel, lets call it pnlMain.

Now create an object of your control. Lets say I want to put a checkbox on
Dim oObjCheckBox As CheckBox = New CheckBox()
Give it all the attributes you want to give it
oObjCheckBox.ID = "chkIDOne"
oObjCheckBox.Text = "vbIsForGirlsandCPPRule"
Now stick it on your panel
You can put this in your onload, but just check for postback, otherwise you
will lose youre changes on your controls. If you can do this (which should
be very easy) the rest will be easy as well. Put controls on your panels and
managed it from there

Hope it helps a bit, an if anything is not clear or if I misunderstood
you...just reply
I thank You so much, Joe.

Your guidance will help me during my solution.

Please do allow me to ask my questions. Can you explain a bit more about
"postback" ? I could not understand what does it mean.
Is there some specific reason why you don't want to use a DataGrid control ?

I'm saying this because dynamically creating a few thousand controls might
turn out to be a real performance killer for your application, no ?

If you construct a DataSet from your file ( or stream or whatever ) and
fiddle a bit with a DataGrid you could possibly do paging very easily.

Actually, there is not any specific limitation in my application. Please let
me explaing my intention.

There is a one file that contains formated rows of data pertaining
parameters. The number of rows will not be fixed. Let's assume there are 1000
parameters in that file.
I am communicating with another computer via TCP/IP. Both computers have
the same file. My computer is client and other is server. Server generate
values for 1000 parameters and sends them to the client periodically.
At the client side, I want to display all recevied values for parameters
as quick as possible. I thought that having a Paging style display would be
user-friendly to observe the data. Due to having hundreds of parameters, I
want to display them page by page. But other solutions are acceptable.
My constraints are simple:
1) Be Fast,
2) Show All,
3) Enable dummies to understand immediately, how to observe other
parameters, that are not on that page...

For every parameters, I have to show the followings on the form:

Parameter_Name Parameter_Current_Value Parameter_Unit

That's all...

Can you explain me how to use DataGrid to display values Almost-Real-Time
in the cells and How to show them similar to Page by Page type, please?

My Best Regards...

Angelos Karantzalis said:
Is there some specific reason why you don't want to use a DataGrid control ?

I'm saying this because dynamically creating a few thousand controls might
turn out to be a real performance killer for your application, no ?

If you construct a DataSet from your file ( or stream or whatever ) and
fiddle a bit with a DataGrid you could possibly do paging very easily.


Bil Muh said:
Esteemede Developers,

I would like to Thank All of You in advance for your sincere guidances.

I am developing a software using Visual C++ .NET Standard Edition with
Windows Form (.NET) template.

Briefly :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
I need to create dynamically some controls on the forms, and display these
controls page by page on the form by using "Previous Page" and "Next Page"

In detailed :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
I will read some information from a file. The contents of this file include
Parameter information line by line. Each line is formatted. We may think
that, this file is a Table with some columns of a database.

Format of each line is similar to following:

Firstly, I will read this file and determine how many rows exist. Then, I
will create dynamically some controls for each line. Dynamically created
controls are as below:
1. Param_Number : Label
2. Param_Name : Label
3. Default_Value : Label (contents of this field will change during the
running of application)
4. Unit : Label

This group of controls will be created on the form dynamically.

The number of rows ( number of parameters) may change file to file, but
row data format will be same.

My form's size will be maximized. I want to create control groups as much
as on the form one under the other. Let's say the number of parameter is
1000, and It is possible to dynamically create 50 control groups on the form.
This means than it is required to create 20 different pages on the form.

These are my questions...!!

**** How can I create dynamically controls on the form? ,
**** How can I show them page by page on the form.? and
**** How can I go through on the pages with "Previous Page" and "Next
Page" buttons?

I will receive some parameter values from TCP/IP socket periodically.
Therefore I have to change the received parameter values at the related
Labels in each page on the form.

I am requesting you to guide me ...

With this, I extend you and all yours with my bests.

Respectfully, yours

Bil Muh
First, you can create a DataSet instance.

Add a DataTable, with Columns: Parameter_Name Parameter_Current_Value
... and then add a row for each line from your feed.

Conceptually, it's more or less the same as creating 3 Labels at the time,
the only real difference is that you can bind
the DataSet to a DataGrid control, and have the grid display the data

I'm no expert on Windows Forms Controls like the DataGrid, but I do believe
strongly that with a little work you can get much more done with the
DataSet - DataGrid combination than by adding labels arbitrarily on your

Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance,

For every parameters, I have to show the followings on the form:

Parameter_Name Parameter_Current_Value Parameter_Unit

That's all...

Can you explain me how to use DataGrid to display values Almost-Real-Time
in the cells and How to show them similar to Page by Page type, please?

My Best Regards...

Angelos Karantzalis said:
Is there some specific reason why you don't want to use a DataGrid control ?

I'm saying this because dynamically creating a few thousand controls might
turn out to be a real performance killer for your application, no ?

If you construct a DataSet from your file ( or stream or whatever ) and
fiddle a bit with a DataGrid you could possibly do paging very easily.


Bil Muh said:
Esteemede Developers,

I would like to Thank All of You in advance for your sincere guidances.

I am developing a software using Visual C++ .NET Standard Edition with
Windows Form (.NET) template.

Briefly :
I need to create dynamically some controls on the forms, and display these
controls page by page on the form by using "Previous Page" and "Next Page"

In detailed :
I will read some information from a file. The contents of this file include
Parameter information line by line. Each line is formatted. We may think
that, this file is a Table with some columns of a database.

Format of each line is similar to following:

Firstly, I will read this file and determine how many rows exist. Then, I
will create dynamically some controls for each line. Dynamically created
controls are as below:
1. Param_Number : Label
2. Param_Name : Label
3. Default_Value : Label (contents of this field will change during the
running of application)
4. Unit : Label

This group of controls will be created on the form dynamically.

The number of rows ( number of parameters) may change file to file, but
row data format will be same.

My form's size will be maximized. I want to create control groups as much
as on the form one under the other. Let's say the number of parameter is
1000, and It is possible to dynamically create 50 control groups on
This means than it is required to create 20 different pages on the form.

These are my questions...!!

**** How can I create dynamically controls on the form? ,
**** How can I show them page by page on the form.? and
**** How can I go through on the pages with "Previous Page" and "Next
Page" buttons?

I will receive some parameter values from TCP/IP socket periodically.
Therefore I have to change the received parameter values at the related
Labels in each page on the form.

I am requesting you to guide me ...

With this, I extend you and all yours with my bests.

Respectfully, yours

Bil Muh
Thank you very much Karantzalis for your kind interest and guidance.

I will try your suggestion as well.

Have a good day...

Angelos Karantzalis said:
First, you can create a DataSet instance.

Add a DataTable, with Columns: Parameter_Name Parameter_Current_Value
... and then add a row for each line from your feed.

Conceptually, it's more or less the same as creating 3 Labels at the time,
the only real difference is that you can bind
the DataSet to a DataGrid control, and have the grid display the data

I'm no expert on Windows Forms Controls like the DataGrid, but I do believe
strongly that with a little work you can get much more done with the
DataSet - DataGrid combination than by adding labels arbitrarily on your

Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance,

For every parameters, I have to show the followings on the form:

Parameter_Name Parameter_Current_Value Parameter_Unit

That's all...

Can you explain me how to use DataGrid to display values Almost-Real-Time
in the cells and How to show them similar to Page by Page type, please?

My Best Regards...

Angelos Karantzalis said:
Is there some specific reason why you don't want to use a DataGrid control ?

I'm saying this because dynamically creating a few thousand controls might
turn out to be a real performance killer for your application, no ?

If you construct a DataSet from your file ( or stream or whatever ) and
fiddle a bit with a DataGrid you could possibly do paging very easily.


Esteemede Developers,

I would like to Thank All of You in advance for your sincere guidances.

I am developing a software using Visual C++ .NET Standard Edition with
Windows Form (.NET) template.

Briefly :
I need to create dynamically some controls on the forms, and display
controls page by page on the form by using "Previous Page" and "Next Page"

In detailed :
I will read some information from a file. The contents of this file
Parameter information line by line. Each line is formatted. We may think
that, this file is a Table with some columns of a database.

Format of each line is similar to following:

Firstly, I will read this file and determine how many rows exist. Then, I
will create dynamically some controls for each line. Dynamically created
controls are as below:
1. Param_Number : Label
2. Param_Name : Label
3. Default_Value : Label (contents of this field will change during the
running of application)
4. Unit : Label

This group of controls will be created on the form dynamically.

The number of rows ( number of parameters) may change file to file, but
row data format will be same.

My form's size will be maximized. I want to create control groups as
as on the form one under the other. Let's say the number of parameter is
1000, and It is possible to dynamically create 50 control groups on the
This means than it is required to create 20 different pages on the form.

These are my questions...!!

**** How can I create dynamically controls on the form? ,
**** How can I show them page by page on the form.? and
**** How can I go through on the pages with "Previous Page" and "Next
Page" buttons?

I will receive some parameter values from TCP/IP socket periodically.
Therefore I have to change the received parameter values at the related
Labels in each page on the form.

I am requesting you to guide me ...

With this, I extend you and all yours with my bests.

Respectfully, yours

Bil Muh
I coded an example for dynamic control creation. You may find the source
codes below:

1) This source codes are for Visual C++ .NET v.2003
2) Open a project by using "Windows Forms (.NET)."
3) Name the project as : "Panel_Denemeleri"
4) Paste the below source codes to "Form1.h" code view.
5) Compile, Debug and Build the program :)

Source Codes:
Kodlar :
// -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*


Coded by Alper AKCAYOZ

September 27th, 2004

(e-mail address removed)


#pragma once

#include <windows.h>

#ifdef MessageBox
#undef MessageBox

namespace Panel_Denemeleri
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Drawing;

/// <summary>
/// Summary for Form1
/// WARNING: If you change the name of this class, you will need to change
/// 'Resource File Name' property for the managed resource
compiler tool
/// associated with all .resx files this class depends on.
/// the designers will not be able to interact properly with
/// resources associated with this form.
/// </summary>
public __gc class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form

Panel __gc *panel1;
Thread* myThread;

static Int32 i32Panel_Number = 0;
static Int32 i32Label_Number = 0;
static Int32 i32SpaceBetweenControls = 5;
static Int32 i32LabelHeight = 20;
static Int32 i32LabelWidth = 130;
static Int32 i32Current_Pos_X = 8;
static Int32 i32Current_Pos_Y = 8;
private: System::Windows::Forms::Label * lblControlCount;
private: System::Windows::Forms::Timer * timer1;
private: System::Windows::Forms::Button * btnPreviousPage;
private: System::Windows::Forms::Button * btnNextPage;

static Int32 i32Current_Column_Pos_X = 8 ;

void Dispose(Boolean disposing)
if (disposing && components)

private: System::Windows::Forms::Button * bntCreatePanel;
private: System::Windows::Forms::TextBox * txtSiraSayisi;
private: System::Windows::Forms::Button * btnKadarSiraYarat;
private: System::Windows::Forms::Button * btnClearPanel;
private: System::Windows::Forms::Label * lblSure;
private: System::ComponentModel::IContainer * components;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
void InitializeComponent(void)
this->components = new System::ComponentModel::Container();
this->bntCreatePanel = new System::Windows::Forms::Button();
this->txtSiraSayisi = new System::Windows::Forms::TextBox();
this->btnKadarSiraYarat = new System::Windows::Forms::Button();
this->btnClearPanel = new System::Windows::Forms::Button();
this->lblSure = new System::Windows::Forms::Label();
this->lblControlCount = new System::Windows::Forms::Label();
this->timer1 = new System::Windows::Forms::Timer(this->components);
this->btnPreviousPage = new System::Windows::Forms::Button();
this->btnNextPage = new System::Windows::Forms::Button();
// bntCreatePanel
this->bntCreatePanel->BackColor =
System::Drawing::Color::FromArgb((System::Byte)255, (System::Byte)255,
this->bntCreatePanel->Font = new System::Drawing::Font(S"Microsoft Sans
Serif", 9, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold,
System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point, (System::Byte)162);
this->bntCreatePanel->ForeColor =
System::Drawing::Color::FromArgb((System::Byte)0, (System::Byte)0,
this->bntCreatePanel->Location = System::Drawing::Point(8, 8);
this->bntCreatePanel->Name = S"bntCreatePanel";
this->bntCreatePanel->Size = System::Drawing::Size(104, 32);
this->bntCreatePanel->TabIndex = 0;
this->bntCreatePanel->Text = S"Create Panel";
this->bntCreatePanel->Click += new System::EventHandler(this,
// txtSiraSayisi
this->txtSiraSayisi->BorderStyle =
this->txtSiraSayisi->CharacterCasing =
this->txtSiraSayisi->Enabled = false;
this->txtSiraSayisi->Font = new System::Drawing::Font(S"Microsoft Sans
Serif", 20.25F, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Regular,
System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point, (System::Byte)162);
this->txtSiraSayisi->ImeMode = System::Windows::Forms::ImeMode::NoControl;
this->txtSiraSayisi->Location = System::Drawing::Point(128, 8);
this->txtSiraSayisi->MaxLength = 3;
this->txtSiraSayisi->Name = S"txtSiraSayisi";
this->txtSiraSayisi->Size = System::Drawing::Size(64, 31);
this->txtSiraSayisi->TabIndex = 1;
this->txtSiraSayisi->Text = S"";
this->txtSiraSayisi->TextAlign =
// btnKadarSiraYarat
this->btnKadarSiraYarat->BackColor =
System::Drawing::Color::FromArgb((System::Byte)255, (System::Byte)255,
this->btnKadarSiraYarat->Enabled = false;
this->btnKadarSiraYarat->Font = new System::Drawing::Font(S"Microsoft
Sans Serif", 9, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold,
System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point, (System::Byte)162);
this->btnKadarSiraYarat->ForeColor =
System::Drawing::Color::FromArgb((System::Byte)0, (System::Byte)0,
this->btnKadarSiraYarat->Location = System::Drawing::Point(200, 8);
this->btnKadarSiraYarat->Name = S"btnKadarSiraYarat";
this->btnKadarSiraYarat->Size = System::Drawing::Size(72, 32);
this->btnKadarSiraYarat->TabIndex = 2;
this->btnKadarSiraYarat->Text = S"pcs. Row";
this->btnKadarSiraYarat->Click += new System::EventHandler(this,
// btnClearPanel
this->btnClearPanel->BackColor =
System::Drawing::Color::FromArgb((System::Byte)255, (System::Byte)255,
this->btnClearPanel->Enabled = false;
this->btnClearPanel->Font = new System::Drawing::Font(S"Microsoft Sans
Serif", 9, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold,
System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point, (System::Byte)162);
this->btnClearPanel->ForeColor =
System::Drawing::Color::FromArgb((System::Byte)0, (System::Byte)0,
this->btnClearPanel->Location = System::Drawing::Point(280, 8);
this->btnClearPanel->Name = S"btnClearPanel";
this->btnClearPanel->Size = System::Drawing::Size(80, 32);
this->btnClearPanel->TabIndex = 3;
this->btnClearPanel->Text = S"Clear Panel";
this->btnClearPanel->Click += new System::EventHandler(this,
// lblSure
this->lblSure->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Silver;
this->lblSure->Font = new System::Drawing::Font(S"Microsoft Sans Serif",
12, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold, System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point,
this->lblSure->ForeColor = System::Drawing::Color::Red;
this->lblSure->Location = System::Drawing::Point(384, 8);
this->lblSure->Name = S"lblSure";
this->lblSure->Size = System::Drawing::Size(624, 16);
this->lblSure->TabIndex = 4;
this->lblSure->TextAlign = System::Drawing::ContentAlignment::MiddleCenter;
// lblControlCount
this->lblControlCount->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Silver;
this->lblControlCount->Font = new System::Drawing::Font(S"Microsoft Sans
Serif", 12, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold,
System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point, (System::Byte)162);
this->lblControlCount->ForeColor = System::Drawing::Color::Red;
this->lblControlCount->Location = System::Drawing::Point(384, 32);
this->lblControlCount->Name = S"lblControlCount";
this->lblControlCount->Size = System::Drawing::Size(624, 16);
this->lblControlCount->TabIndex = 5;
this->lblControlCount->TextAlign =
// timer1
this->timer1->Enabled = true;
this->timer1->Interval = 800;
this->timer1->Tick += new System::EventHandler(this, timer1_Tick);
// btnPreviousPage
this->btnPreviousPage->BackColor =
System::Drawing::Color::FromArgb((System::Byte)255, (System::Byte)255,
this->btnPreviousPage->Enabled = false;
this->btnPreviousPage->Font = new System::Drawing::Font(S"Microsoft Sans
Serif", 9, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold,
System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point, (System::Byte)162);
this->btnPreviousPage->ForeColor =
System::Drawing::Color::FromArgb((System::Byte)0, (System::Byte)0,
this->btnPreviousPage->Location = System::Drawing::Point(1024, 8);
this->btnPreviousPage->Name = S"btnPreviousPage";
this->btnPreviousPage->Size = System::Drawing::Size(96, 40);
this->btnPreviousPage->TabIndex = 6;
this->btnPreviousPage->Text = S"<<< Previous";
// btnNextPage
this->btnNextPage->BackColor =
System::Drawing::Color::FromArgb((System::Byte)255, (System::Byte)255,
this->btnNextPage->Enabled = false;
this->btnNextPage->Font = new System::Drawing::Font(S"Microsoft Sans
Serif", 9, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold,
System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point, (System::Byte)162);
this->btnNextPage->ForeColor =
System::Drawing::Color::FromArgb((System::Byte)0, (System::Byte)0,
this->btnNextPage->Location = System::Drawing::Point(1128, 8);
this->btnNextPage->Name = S"btnNextPage";
this->btnNextPage->Size = System::Drawing::Size(80, 40);
this->btnNextPage->TabIndex = 7;
this->btnNextPage->Text = S"Next >>>";
// Form1
this->AutoScaleBaseSize = System::Drawing::Size(5, 13);
this->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Black;
this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(1262, 725);
this->FormBorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::FormBorderStyle::Fixed3D;
this->MaximizeBox = false;
this->MinimizeBox = false;
this->Name = S"Form1";
this->StartPosition =
this->Text = S"Form1 - Once Alt Alta Sonra Yan Yana Diz";
this->WindowState = System::Windows::Forms::FormWindowState::Maximized;
this->Load += new System::EventHandler(this, Form1_Load);
this->DoubleClick += new System::EventHandler(this, Form1_DoubleClick);

private: System::Void bntCreatePanel_Click(System::Object * sender,
System::EventArgs * e)
panel1 = new Panel();

// Initialize the Panel control.
panel1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(8,50);
panel1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( (this->get_Width() - 30),
(this->get_Height() - 85));
// Set the Borderstyle for the Panel to three-dimensional.
panel1->BorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::BorderStyle::Fixed3D;
panel1->Name = String::Concat(S"Panel_Name_",
panel1->Tag = i32Panel_Number.ToString();


// Add the Panel control to the form.

txtSiraSayisi->Enabled = true;
btnKadarSiraYarat->Enabled = true;
bntCreatePanel->Enabled = false;

private: System::Void CreateRows_Function()
Label __gc *lblA = new Label();
Label __gc *lblB = new Label();
Label __gc *lblC = new Label();

// Initialize the Label and TextBox controls.
lblA->Location = System::Drawing::Point(i32Current_Pos_X,
lblA->Text = String::Concat(S"Label_", (++i32Label_Number).ToString());
lblA->Name = String::Concat(S"lblA_Name_",
lblA->Size = System::Drawing::Size(i32LabelWidth, i32LabelHeight);
lblA->TextAlign = System::Drawing::ContentAlignment::MiddleLeft;
lblA->ForeColor = System::Drawing::Color::Yellow;
lblA->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Black;
lblA->Font = new System::Drawing::Font(S"Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75F,
System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold, System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point,


//Update the current i32Current_Pos_X and i32Current_Pos_Y
i32Current_Pos_X += (i32LabelWidth + i32SpaceBetweenControls) ;
//i32Current_Pos_Y += ;

// Initialize the Label and TextBox controls.
lblB->Location = System::Drawing::Point(i32Current_Pos_X,
lblB->Text = String::Concat(S"lblB_Name_",
lblB->Name = String::Concat(S"lblB_Name_",
lblB->Size = System::Drawing::Size(i32LabelWidth, i32LabelHeight);
lblB->TextAlign = System::Drawing::ContentAlignment::MiddleLeft;
lblB->ForeColor = System::Drawing::Color::Yellow;
lblB->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Blue;
lblB->Font = new System::Drawing::Font(S"Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75F,
System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold, System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point,


//Update the current i32Current_Pos_X and i32Current_Pos_Y
i32Current_Pos_X += (i32LabelWidth + i32SpaceBetweenControls) ;
//i32Current_Pos_Y += ;

// Initialize the Label and TextBox controls.
lblC->Location = System::Drawing::Point(i32Current_Pos_X,
lblC->Text = String::Concat(S"lblC_Name_",
lblC->Name = String::Concat(S"lblC_Name_",
lblC->Size = System::Drawing::Size(i32LabelWidth, i32LabelHeight);
lblC->TextAlign = System::Drawing::ContentAlignment::MiddleLeft;
lblC->ForeColor = System::Drawing::Color::Yellow;
lblC->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Gray;
lblC->Font = new System::Drawing::Font(S"Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75F,
System::Drawing::FontStyle::Bold, System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point,


//Update the current i32Current_Pos_X and i32Current_Pos_Y
i32Current_Pos_X = i32Current_Column_Pos_X ;
i32Current_Pos_Y = i32Current_Pos_Y + i32LabelHeight +
i32SpaceBetweenControls; ;

if ( (this->panel1->Height - i32Current_Pos_Y) >=
(i32SpaceBetweenControls + i32LabelHeight) )
//Alta sira konulamaz, yana konulabilir
i32Current_Column_Pos_X = i32Current_Pos_X + i32LabelWidth +
i32SpaceBetweenControls +
i32LabelWidth + i32SpaceBetweenControls + i32LabelWidth +
(5*i32SpaceBetweenControls) ;
i32Current_Pos_X = i32Current_Column_Pos_X;
i32Current_Pos_Y = 8;

// Add the Label controls to the Panel.

// Add the event handler that will handle the event when the
// mouse is hovered
lblA->Click += new System::EventHandler(this, labelXXX_Click);
lblB->Click += new System::EventHandler(this, labelXXX_Click);
lblC->MouseHover += new System::EventHandler(this, labelXXX_MouseHover);

//Buton Enable
btnClearPanel->Enabled = true;
catch(Exception* exp)
MessageBox::Show(Convert::ToString(exp), S"Exception Thrown");

private: System::Void bntKadarSiraYarat_Click(System::Object * sender,
System::EventArgs * e)
if (txtSiraSayisi->Text->Trim()->Length >0 )
Int32 i32SiraSayisi = Convert::ToInt32(txtSiraSayisi->Text->Trim());

LARGE_INTEGER i64StartTime, i64StopTime , i64Frequency ;

//CPU frekansını al

if (QueryPerformanceCounter(&i64StartTime) != 0)

for( Int32 i32Index = 1; i32Index <= i32SiraSayisi; ++i32Index)
if ( ((this->panel1->Height - i32Current_Pos_Y) >=
(i32SpaceBetweenControls + i32LabelHeight)) &&
( (this->panel1->Width - i32Current_Pos_X) >= ( (5 *
i32SpaceBetweenControls) + (3*i32LabelWidth))) )
txtSiraSayisi->Text = Convert::ToString(
Convert::ToInt32(txtSiraSayisi->Text->Trim()) - 1 );

lblSure->Text = String::Concat( S"Row Creating Duration = ",
((long int)(double)((i64StopTime.QuadPart - i64StartTime.QuadPart) *
1000.0) / ((double)i64Frequency.QuadPart)).ToString(),
S" mili seconds");


private: System::Void btnClearPanel_Click(System::Object * sender,
System::EventArgs * e)
LARGE_INTEGER i64StartTime, i64StopTime , i64Frequency ;

//CPU frekansını al

if (QueryPerformanceCounter(&i64StartTime) != 0)

//Initialize the curretn location
i32Current_Pos_X = 8;
i32Current_Pos_Y = 8;
i32Current_Column_Pos_X = 8 ;
i32Label_Number = 0;

//Buton Enable
btnClearPanel->Enabled = false;

lblSure->Text = String::Concat( S"Clearing Duration = ",
((long int)(double)((i64StopTime.QuadPart - i64StartTime.QuadPart) *
1000.0) / ((double)i64Frequency.QuadPart)).ToString(),
S" mili seconds");


private: System::Void labelXXX_MouseHover(System::Object * sender,
System::EventArgs * e)
if (String::Compare(sender->GetType()->ToString(),
S"System.Windows.Forms.Label") == 0)
// Create a button object to use in its place
Label* myLabel = dynamic_cast<Label*>(sender);

// Display the text to the user
MessageBox::Show(String::Concat(myLabel->Text, S" MouseHover"),
MessageBoxButtons::OK, MessageBoxIcon::Information);



private: System::Void labelXXX_Click(System::Object * sender,
System::EventArgs * e)
if (String::Compare(sender->GetType()->ToString(),
S"System.Windows.Forms.Label") == 0)
// Create a button object to use in its place
Label* myLabel = dynamic_cast<Label*>(sender);

// Display the text to the user
MessageBox::Show(String::Concat(myLabel->Text, S" is clicked!" ) ,
MessageBoxButtons::OK, MessageBoxIcon::Information);


private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object * sender, System::EventArgs
* e)
this->MinimumSize = System::Drawing::Size(this->get_Width(),

private: System::Void Form1_DoubleClick(System::Object * sender,
System::EventArgs * e)
this->WindowState = Maximized;

private: System::Void timer1_Tick(System::Object * sender,
System::EventArgs * e)
if ( this->panel1 != NULL )
lblControlCount->Text = String::Concat(S"Number of Controls on Panel =
", this->panel1->Controls->Count.ToString());

Bil Muh said:
Esteemede Developers,

I would like to Thank All of You in advance for your sincere guidances.

I am developing a software using Visual C++ .NET Standard Edition with
Windows Form (.NET) template.

Briefly :
I need to create dynamically some controls on the forms, and display these
controls page by page on the form by using "Previous Page" and "Next Page"

In detailed :
I will read some information from a file. The contents of this file include
Parameter information line by line. Each line is formatted. We may think
that, this file is a Table with some columns of a database.

Format of each line is similar to following:

Firstly, I will read this file and determine how many rows exist. Then, I
will create dynamically some controls for each line. Dynamically created
controls are as below:
1. Param_Number : Label
2. Param_Name : Label
3. Default_Value : Label (contents of this field will change during the
running of application)
4. Unit : Label

This group of controls will be created on the form dynamically.

The number of rows ( number of parameters) may change file to file, but
row data format will be same.

My form's size will be maximized. I want to create control groups as much
as on the form one under the other. Let's say the number of parameter is
1000, and It is possible to dynamically create 50 control groups on the form.
This means than it is required to create 20 different pages on the form.

These are my questions...!!

**** How can I create dynamically controls on the form? ,
**** How can I show them page by page on the form.? and
**** How can I go through on the pages with "Previous Page" and "Next
Page" buttons?

I will receive some parameter values from TCP/IP socket periodically.
Therefore I have to change the received parameter values at the related
Labels in each page on the form.

I am requesting you to guide me ...

With this, I extend you and all yours with my bests.

Respectfully, yours

Bil Muh