Help would be appreciated, even if it can’t be done
I have a table[InspectorsMaster] using Fields, ([DR_Date], (Short Date). A
number field (Long Integer [SeqNum])I do not currently use it, and a Field
([Employee], Text field, size set at 3). I would like to know if I could
generate a Unique sequential Value (starting with 0000) and combine it with
values from date, and text field that would automaticly be entered into the
Non used Number field such as on click . This of course would occure at The
Form level before close of the form. (Macro) or after dirty of the Date field.
Like:[Inspectors Master]![Employee] + DatePart(yy)[Insp_Mastr]![DR_Date],
plus the random number, if possible. Ex. AJB-09-0001
I have a table[InspectorsMaster] using Fields, ([DR_Date], (Short Date). A
number field (Long Integer [SeqNum])I do not currently use it, and a Field
([Employee], Text field, size set at 3). I would like to know if I could
generate a Unique sequential Value (starting with 0000) and combine it with
values from date, and text field that would automaticly be entered into the
Non used Number field such as on click . This of course would occure at The
Form level before close of the form. (Macro) or after dirty of the Date field.
Like:[Inspectors Master]![Employee] + DatePart(yy)[Insp_Mastr]![DR_Date],
plus the random number, if possible. Ex. AJB-09-0001