I want create an Assemby Ressource by Code.
In First time i wanted create ressources files with Resgen.exe and now i
find the System.Ressource Class . Now I can create directly my ressources
class in c# !
My question is :
Now how to do the same than this command :
al.exe /t:lib /embed:myressource.resources /culture:en /out:mydll.dll
with framework classes in c# ? Is it possible ?
In First time i wanted create ressources files with Resgen.exe and now i
find the System.Ressource Class . Now I can create directly my ressources
class in c# !
My question is :
Now how to do the same than this command :
al.exe /t:lib /embed:myressource.resources /culture:en /out:mydll.dll
with framework classes in c# ? Is it possible ?