HELP..................... I'm tearing my hair out
I need to create an MDB file in access2000 using ADOX to use a given
MDW file. I have tried
adoCat.create "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;DAta
which works
If I append ";jet oledb:System Database=pathtoMDWfile;usr=x;pwd=y"
I am getting "Could not find installable ISAM"
Any fix or alternative code to create an Access DB using an MDW file
via ADOX will be greatly appreciated.
Any Ideas?
I need to create an MDB file in access2000 using ADOX to use a given
MDW file. I have tried
adoCat.create "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;DAta
which works
If I append ";jet oledb:System Database=pathtoMDWfile;usr=x;pwd=y"
I am getting "Could not find installable ISAM"
Any fix or alternative code to create an Access DB using an MDW file
via ADOX will be greatly appreciated.
Any Ideas?