Create color scheme?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eustace
  • Start date Start date


I often toggle between high contrast and a regular color scheme. The
problem is that while I can save changes to the regular theme (like
different font size, I cannot save the changes in the high contrast
color scheme. In Windows 98 I could create my own color scheme, give it
a name, than go to the Accessibility Options and choose it. In XP I
haven't found a way to save in My heme the changes of *both* the regular
and the high contrast color schemes.

Is there any way to create a new color scheme and save it? Where are the
color schemes saved? Could I edit manually a color scheme file and save
it with another name?

I have to say that this is the second problem I encounter in XP that I
did not encounter in Windows 98. The other problem is that unchecking
the notification warning message option does not stop it from coming up
when I toggle from the normal to the high contrast theme, And since XP
is not a new operating system now, I doubt that Microsoft will correct
these bugs in the future...

In Display Properties>Appearance. You have a choice of default Blue, Green
or Silver. In all levels of contrast. Did you check Apply and OK to set and
save settings?
Byte said:
In Display Properties>Appearance. You have a choice of default Blue, Green
or Silver. In all levels of contrast. Did you check Apply and OK to set and
save settings?

No, I didn't use the Windows XP style because it does not provide the
High Contrast (classic) color schemes that are available through the
Accessibility Options. I think that should rather be providing the
option of choosing a High Contrast Theme instead of a High Contrast
Color Scheme. Or alternatively, the High Contrast settings they should
be saved within a normal theme. In that case when you would switch to
High Contrast and back the applied theme would not be modified. Now I
had to create a High Contrast theme that I use regularly, and use the
Display Properties to switch to a normal theme when I have to, which I
avoid to do since it is not easy like using the keyboard shortcut.