Create Class at Runtime?

  • Thread starter Thread starter xenophon
  • Start date Start date


I have a DataTable with 3 columns in it - Name, Type, Value.
I have these rows in the DataTable -
myProp1 , System.String , aaa
myProp2 , System.Int64 , 500000
myProp3 , System.String , bbb
myProp4 , System.DateTime , 2005-08-01T10:10:10

I have a base class called MyClass that has 1 property called
currentList. MyClass is already compiled into the currently
running assembly, but in the future it might be in
an assembly in a physically seperate DLL.

I would like to create a new class that inherits from MyClass,
and add all of the properties from the DataTable to the
new child class. How would I do that?

Have a look at the Reflection.Emit namespace. Also, there are lots of
tutorials on Reflection.Emit on MSDN and on a quick msn or google search.

Hope this helps!

Brian Delahunty,