Currently I've I'm keeping a log file, or history file of how one our app's
is used. I just have the app write data to a text file, so for each time it
is ran I'm appending a line of text that is comma separated.
The idea is that I can have another app read in that text file, and I'll be
able to sort or filter based up different data a user selects. I figure I
can write an app in C# that will parse the log file, and let a user select
the information they want to view, or take that text file, write in a XML
format, and I should have a easier time of sorting /filter on a XML file
versus a txt file
So my question is how, do I go from a text file, and create a XML file from
is used. I just have the app write data to a text file, so for each time it
is ran I'm appending a line of text that is comma separated.
The idea is that I can have another app read in that text file, and I'll be
able to sort or filter based up different data a user selects. I figure I
can write an app in C# that will parse the log file, and let a user select
the information they want to view, or take that text file, write in a XML
format, and I should have a easier time of sorting /filter on a XML file
versus a txt file
So my question is how, do I go from a text file, and create a XML file from