one last question!
how to create a shortcut to undisplay all the windows
that are appearing on the display?
You should have a file "Show Desktop.scf" in your Quick Launch folder.
You can either run that through a previously described keyboard
sequence: (Ctrl+Esc Esc Tab) Arrow-Keys to "Show Desktop" (Enter) or
create a LNK file and assign a keyboard shortcut to it:
Open two Windows Explorer instances: one for your Quick Launch folder,
the other for your Programs hierarchy; right-click on "Show Desktop" in
Quick Launch and drag it to a place in Programs; on releasing the right
mouse button, select Create Shortcut; then assign a keyboard shortcut,
say Ctrl+Alt+D to it.
If you don't have the file "Show Desktop.scf", use your text editor to
create it:
If your text editor is Notepad, make sure to save the file with the
extension .scf, not .scf.txt. Hint: Save as type: All files. Note that
most likely any GUI interface will hide the extension .scf . Once you
have created the SCF file, create a LNK file to it as described above.