Create a "Send" button



I have created a form using Excel. I would like the people who fill out his
form to click a “Submit This Form†button at the top of his form and have
this button e-mail the form file to me (with the form file as an attachnemt
to the e-mail).

I need to know how to create a button in an Excel file, so that when you
click this button, it generates an e-mail addressed to a pre-specified
recipient (e-mail would be pre-addressed to me) with the completed form file
as an attachment to the e-mail.

I have a lot of experience working with Excel, so if possible, I’d prefer to
do this using a hyperlink and the capabilities of Excel, without using Visual
Basic. Is there a way to do what I need to do using Excel?
If Visual Basic is the only way this can be done, can you walk me through
the process of creating a button (and help me write the macro language) to do
this? (I have very little experience with Visual Basic!)

Thank you so much for your help!


Having a formula to open your default mail client with your name in it
is simple:
=HYPERLINK("mailto:[email protected]","E-mail completed form")

But, I believe what you are needing is going to require VBA.
You can add a button using the Forms Toolbar and assign the button to
a macro. The macro would look something like this:
Sub sendMacro()
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail (e-mail address removed)", _
"Completed Form"
End Sub


Thank you. I'll try it!

JW said:
Having a formula to open your default mail client with your name in it
is simple:
=HYPERLINK("mailto:[email protected]","E-mail completed form")

But, I believe what you are needing is going to require VBA.
You can add a button using the Forms Toolbar and assign the button to
a macro. The macro would look something like this:
Sub sendMacro()
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail (e-mail address removed)", _
"Completed Form"
End Sub

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