Once again, thanks for your help. You are right about using the "doubl
click" method. It works wonderfully.
However, I failed to mention that this spreadsheet is ultimately bein
saved as an "Interactive" HTML and published on a web site. I can'
seem to get the "double click" method to function in the HTML page.
I think I really need to use the hyperlink but, being the nucklehea
that I am in programming, I'm not sure how to implement the formula yo
The 'recorded' macro (when creating the hyperlink manually) looks lik
Sub Hyperlink()
' Hyperlink Macro
' Create hyperlink in worksheet 'Index'!A2 to worksheet named same a
data found in 'Index'!A2
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:=""
SubAddress:= _
End Sub
The name of the sheet being hyperlinked to (currently named '123456'
is also the value in the cell I am tring to create the hyperlink in
Each time the macro will run the new hyperlink will point to
different sheet. (A new record will have been inserted into row 2:2
pushing all previous records down, prior to running the "Hyperlink
macro.) The new hyperlink is ALWAYS created in 'Index'!A2