I'm trying to reproduce a graphic. It was made using the random generator
number. Since, I am not very confortable with statistics I thought someone
could help me with this. The X axis represents days. The Y axis a Flow
volume that ranges from 0.4 to 32. The graphic represents a "possibility"
model of a flow during a year. For example, Day 1 to Day 12, the flow is
23.5 litres. Day 62 to 100, the flow is 0.4 litres. There are only 3
possibilities: 0.4, 23.5 or 32.0. Please help, it's driving me nuts!
I'm trying to reproduce a graphic. It was made using the random generator
number. Since, I am not very confortable with statistics I thought someone
could help me with this. The X axis represents days. The Y axis a Flow
volume that ranges from 0.4 to 32. The graphic represents a "possibility"
model of a flow during a year. For example, Day 1 to Day 12, the flow is
23.5 litres. Day 62 to 100, the flow is 0.4 litres. There are only 3
possibilities: 0.4, 23.5 or 32.0. Please help, it's driving me nuts!