Petter L
I trying to create two columns in a dataset with the type of int32 and
Timespan but i get a message that this is not a valid datatype. In the
example code under the help text on DataType you find following text (cut
out of the helptext)
Dim colInt32 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("Int32Col")
colInt32.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")
Dim colTimeSpan As DataColumn = New DataColumn("TimeSpanCol")
colTimeSpan.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.TimeSpan")
That take I as it should be possible to do it If not what type can i use for
Time and Integer?
other datatypes works fine within the same code.
Petter L.
Timespan but i get a message that this is not a valid datatype. In the
example code under the help text on DataType you find following text (cut
out of the helptext)
Dim colInt32 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("Int32Col")
colInt32.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")
Dim colTimeSpan As DataColumn = New DataColumn("TimeSpanCol")
colTimeSpan.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.TimeSpan")
That take I as it should be possible to do it If not what type can i use for
Time and Integer?
other datatypes works fine within the same code.
Petter L.