cRe: Cannont delete printers - no jobs pending!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alan Morris [MSFT]
  • Start date Start date
mc0624 said:
I was trying to set up a print server to my HP 4000. I created several
printers with various different IP address (the print server is going
thru my router). When all that failed, I called tech support for the
print server.

We ended up changing the IP address to match the router -- this was the
problem and now I can print.

However, when I try to delete those other won't let me.
Just gives me an error to make sure its connected to the network. If I
double click on the printer that says "deleting.....offline" I get an
error message 0x00000709. I've made sure there are no print jobs

What else can I do??

Furthermore...when I go to regedit and look under
print/printers....only the correct ones are there. I'm at a loss...

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Control Panel -> Printers (listed under Hardware and Sound)

Select and delete printers