Hi (e-mail address removed),
Since you are not able to copy files from your discs to your
hard drive, then I would have to suggest you try Step 1 in
the list I provided originally in response to your first post.
Cheers, *Windows_XP_MVP_Shell/User*
Jimmy S.
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(e-mail address removed) Wrote:
|| Hi (e-mail address removed),
|| Basically Cyclic redundancy checking is a method of
|| verifying that there's no errors in files that have been
|| downloaded, or that are being installed from media
|| devices such as installing a game. In otherwords, the
|| file is corrupt and has to be redownloaded, or the CD
|| media is dirty, scratched or defective. Sometimes but
|| not often antivirus software can cause those errors so...
|| 1. To see if it's a software conflict: Temporarily disable Startup
|| programs one at a time, starting with Firewall, Antivirus, and ad
|| blockers using this utility:
|| or this method:
|| You can lookup what a program does before you disable it here:
|| 2. Run a virus scan at:
http://housecall.antivirus.comand then
|| install MS AntiSpyware from:
www.microsoft.com/spyware to
|| remove any Spyware or Adware which could clog up your PC.
|| 3. Click My Computer / Rightclick the Drive & Choose Properties
|| / Run the "Disk Cleanup..." / Next Click the "Tools" Tab and run
|| the "Error-Checking" and "Defragmentation" utilities.
|| --
|| Cheers, *Windows_XP_MVP_Shell/User*
|| Jimmy S.
| I don't know what it is but I don't think it would help. even when I
| copied the game to my harddisk I would still get CRC errors, this is
| annoying me Big time. I already have Hitman Pro as a anti spyware and
| all the updates.