Crazy hailstorm in New York


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — The weather on Monday afternoon was unlike anything seen so far during this summer of severe weather.

Parts of the Tri-State area were pounded from the sky — with wind, lightning and ice.

Residents in Little Neck, Queens picked up the hail and put them in their freezers just to have evidence.

“I’ve never seen anything, it was horrifying,” Gail Kolidas told CBS 2′s Lou Young.

As intense as the damage was, it was also concentrated along the Queens-Nassau line.

The hail stones shattered car windows, punctured plastic lawn furniture and vinyl siding. It also did a good job of rattling nerves.

WTH ?? Whats with the uy in the second clip saying the hale stone was huge, we had much bigger than that a few months back. And whats with the woman in the first clip screaming OMG!! OMG!! ? There are far worse things to worry about in the world than a bit of damage your insurance ( said with Southern American accent ) will cover.
Guy in the second clip says its amazing

Its not amazing its hail falling from the sky, usually does that when yo have a hail storm!
And yes have had far bigger hail here Like Evan has said..
Watch the vid on the link i posted above too, that lightning just missed him.
Everywhere you go, you take the weather with you....

Crowded House Song.

Mother Nature has a way of humbling us don't it?

Been making an impression on us upright walking apes for quite some time now, so why the surprise?
Sheesh! As Corporal Jones might have said... "Don't panic - don't panic" .... think it would have had me reaching for my tin helmet. Lol Did you see the way the ice had ripped through that guy's lawn parasol? It was in shreds. As for that lightning bolt... wow! :eek: