Crazy! All day long whenever I minimize Outlook it cloese....



Over the years, I have had some problems with Outlook, the worst being
duplicates (which I solved from an obscure notice from Microsoft) but now
this one has be totally baffled.

When I open Outlook 2003 and click send/ never automatically
downloads messages like O.E......I answer or whatever and then click on the
minimize box and Outlook closes......yes the Minimize box.

At first I didn't think about it but throughout the day I kept doing this
until I realized, DUG, what was happening. Does anyone else have this

Thank you



First, do you even have send/receive configured to check for new messages at
a certain interval?
Second, is the "hide outlook when minimized" enabled?
if it is enabled, when you click minimize button it will disappear from the
taskbar but the icon will stay in the tray and keep running.



Thank you for responding.

I have it set to check e-mail every 5 minutes. I have never seen a prompt
that asks about checking e-mail when the programs starts ...only upon exiting.

I just looked for the "hide Outlook when minimized and could not even find
it......but I did see the Outlook icon hidden in the lower right Task could have been there all day for all I know....

And I am getting a few Duplicates after I thought I solved that problem with
"same server" e-mails but there is a loose loop some where.

It's funny, Outlook Express, the free Package gives me no trouble at all but
there is no Calendar or Blackberry connection....



F. H. Muffman

Elazarus said:
I just looked for the "hide Outlook when minimized and could not even find
it......but I did see the Outlook icon hidden in the lower right Task could have been there all day for all I know....

Right click on that icon and see if Hide when Minimized is checked (that's
where the option is).
It's funny, Outlook Express, the free Package gives me no trouble at all
there is no Calendar or Blackberry connection....

Well, Outlook Express isn't the free package of Outlook. It is a completely
different program and has no relation to Outlook, apart from a name.


You are 100% right....thank you......

The icon has been hidden and when I right clicked I saw the Hidden etc. I
unchecked it and it showed 14 separate openings so I clicked close group.

Thank you....excellent advise.....

Now about those duplicates.....Why do they come through???



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