Tal Fuchs
I have an AMD Sempron 2400 CPU with Abit NF7-S2 motherboard.
the machine can work fine for many hours or even few days, but after a
while, mostly on high load it shut down and a siren sound start.
I have to unplug the elecric cord to stop the siren sound, and restart.
I don't think it's an heating problem cause the CPU does not get over 50cel.
I got an used AthlonXP 2500.
when I put it instead of the Sempron CPU it will work for no longer then few
seconds, and again the same problem.
I could start it once for long enough to get into the bios configuration to
check the temperature, and it wasn't more then 45cel before crashing.
Any idea ?
can it be a PSU problem ?
Tal Fuchs
(e-mail address removed)
I have an AMD Sempron 2400 CPU with Abit NF7-S2 motherboard.
the machine can work fine for many hours or even few days, but after a
while, mostly on high load it shut down and a siren sound start.
I have to unplug the elecric cord to stop the siren sound, and restart.
I don't think it's an heating problem cause the CPU does not get over 50cel.
I got an used AthlonXP 2500.
when I put it instead of the Sempron CPU it will work for no longer then few
seconds, and again the same problem.
I could start it once for long enough to get into the bios configuration to
check the temperature, and it wasn't more then 45cel before crashing.
Any idea ?
can it be a PSU problem ?
Tal Fuchs
(e-mail address removed)