Crash when applying Fonts to Styles or Themes



Wheneve I go to apply a new Style or Theme Font, or change the Style Font
Size whether in Styles or in Themes/Customize - The whole of FrontPage
crashes and sends an error report...
I have checked my fonts, all seem good, and work elsewhere. I'm not able to
publish. I have run the internal repair tool and all appears good, but the
next Font Change -BOOOOM!

Stefan B Rusynko

You may have a corrupt font file in Windows
- try resetting FP to not display font names in their fonts faces
Tools Customize and turn off List font names in their fonts


| Wheneve I go to apply a new Style or Theme Font, or change the Style Font
| Size whether in Styles or in Themes/Customize - The whole of FrontPage
| crashes and sends an error report...
| I have checked my fonts, all seem good, and work elsewhere. I'm not able to
| publish. I have run the internal repair tool and all appears good, but the
| next Font Change -BOOOOM!


Thanks just tried, and shutdown and restarted...
No change...
BTW, when appling a shared border, The status bar just keeps pumping
"Requesting data....." and never stops.
..... If I go to quit - asks me to Save Changes? but then returns to the
Requesting Data - in aloop. I have to force close of the app and not save
changes to get out.

Stefan B Rusynko

Try the usual repairs in the sequence below:
1) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all FP Temp Files
Usually in C:\WINDOWS\Temp and %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp
- in FP 2003 you need to look in the super hidden folder
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\FrontPageTempDir
2) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all hidden *.web files
Usually in %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
3) Run a Repair on IE
(see )
4) Install all Service Packs for your OS, IE, MS Office and your Video card
(Windows Update and Office Update sites, plus your video card supplier site)
5) Open FP and Disable or Uninstall any FP Addins,
6) Open your FP Web/Site and run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks


| Thanks just tried, and shutdown and restarted...
| No change...
| BTW, when appling a shared border, The status bar just keeps pumping
| "Requesting data....." and never stops.
| .... If I go to quit - asks me to Save Changes? but then returns to the
| Requesting Data - in aloop. I have to force close of the app and not save
| changes to get out.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > You may have a corrupt font file in Windows
| > - try resetting FP to not display font names in their fonts faces
| > Tools Customize and turn off List font names in their fonts
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > | Wheneve I go to apply a new Style or Theme Font, or change the Style Font
| > | Size whether in Styles or in Themes/Customize - The whole of FrontPage
| > | crashes and sends an error report...
| > | I have checked my fonts, all seem good, and work elsewhere. I'm not able to
| > | publish. I have run the internal repair tool and all appears good, but the
| > | next Font Change -BOOOOM!
| >
| >
| >


Yes Thanks, I have done ALL of that, and there has been no change.

Stefan B Rusynko said:
Try the usual repairs in the sequence below:
1) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all FP Temp Files
Usually in C:\WINDOWS\Temp and %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp
- in FP 2003 you need to look in the super hidden folder
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\FrontPageTempDir
2) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all hidden *.web files
Usually in %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
3) Run a Repair on IE
(see )
4) Install all Service Packs for your OS, IE, MS Office and your Video card
(Windows Update and Office Update sites, plus your video card supplier site)
5) Open FP and Disable or Uninstall any FP Addins,
6) Open your FP Web/Site and run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks


| Thanks just tried, and shutdown and restarted...
| No change...
| BTW, when appling a shared border, The status bar just keeps pumping
| "Requesting data....." and never stops.
| .... If I go to quit - asks me to Save Changes? but then returns to the
| Requesting Data - in aloop. I have to force close of the app and not save
| changes to get out.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > You may have a corrupt font file in Windows
| > - try resetting FP to not display font names in their fonts faces
| > Tools Customize and turn off List font names in their fonts
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > | Wheneve I go to apply a new Style or Theme Font, or change the Style Font
| > | Size whether in Styles or in Themes/Customize - The whole of FrontPage
| > | crashes and sends an error report...
| > | I have checked my fonts, all seem good, and work elsewhere. I'm not able to
| > | publish. I have run the internal repair tool and all appears good, but the
| > | next Font Change -BOOOOM!
| >
| >
| >

George Hester

Let's try this.

outside of FrontPage make this htm file:

<title>Test Font</title>
<h1 style="text-align: center; font-family: 'Font Face with space in name',
Verdana, sans-serif;">It's a wonderful day</h1>

Use a font-face you have installed on the machine and one you know crashes
FrontPage. You see the name expected by going to your Fonts folder in the
Control Panel Font name is what you will use for font-famuily above. It
is a comma delimited list priority left to right. Then open the html both
locally and over the Web. Do you get your font face correctly? If so I
suspect it may just be an incompatibility of fonts you have installed and
FrontPage. Adobe fonts can cause issues such as this.


Thanks George,
The problem is not redisplayed if I make html using notepad and show that in
This relates also to another thread, where, after a Crash brought about by
attempting to apply a font in FP, shared borders are not applying, Design
view shows pic placeholders only (but Preview shows pics, The code is
correct, that is.... it displays perfectly in IE, (without the application of
shared borders) and the fonts are correct! Just that:
In Design view - No shared borders, (TLB), Pic placeholders only, but
background cols. apply
In Preview - No shared borders, good pics, but fonts are displaying System
In Iexplorer - No shared borders, good pics and CORRECT fonts!
At all times - FP is showing "Requesting Data..." in the Status Bar and
never stops.
After following all steps to remove temp info as requested in earlier posts,
I have created a new web site with a single page that just has system
default code, and the word TEST in the body.
It will not accept Themes, Shared Borders, font changes etc...

The code is correct for IE, and displays fonts correctly, but NOT in FP!!!
(Themese and shared borders are not being added to the code... it just won't
write the data.

Previous webs - untouched for months, also will not display correctly, nor
update in FP. But those webs are Online and working perfectly

I can not use FrontPage to produce anything at this stage.
I believe it all started after a FP Crash when applying a font size to a
style in Themes/Customize.
No further advanced...

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