It sounds like you have the "system idle" trojan.
It takes up so much resources because it is a backdoor server, monitors all
your keystrokes, and continuously monitors for passwords and credit card
information. When such data is entered on web sites, it uploads this
information discreetly through a number of dynamic relays on a P2P network.
Many law enforcement agencies have been trying to trace it to those
receiving this information, but so far have not been successful.
Your best course of action would be to format your hard drive, reinstall an
OS, change all your passwords, then contact all your credit card companies
and have them issue new cards.
Next time, install a virus scanner before you go online.
I'm joking.
The "System Idle Process" that you see in Windows Task Manager is simply
just a loop being executed from within the Windows kernel. It keeps the
processor fully active, regardless of how little else is being executed.
Think of it as a "bit stuffer". Its normal to see this running at 90
percent or higher. In fact, you can basically think of the CPU percentage
of this process as how much CPU resources you have free.
Question about "System Idle Process" comes up often. Microsoft probably
should've created a subsection for the Processes window in Window Task
Manager for it and labelled the amount of CPU resources it has in use as
"CPU Free". This would've prevented confusion.
(Sorry if I made your heat skip a beat at first.)