CPU Usage jumps to 100% and stays there after use...



Hey Guys,
For some reason when the computer remains inactive for say 20 minutes the
CPU usage rises up to 100% and will not go back down. Rather than say 80%
going to "System Idle Process" it all goes to "Explorer" and sometimes other
running processes. Anyone know why this could be? I did a virus scan with
Norton Anti-Virus... Nothing... I ran Adaware, and it removed 23 things...
most non threatening...still no improvement.
Anyone have any idea how to fix this so my computer will work again? It is
painfully slow!!!
Thanks in advance.
Here are some pictures to show what I mean:



Dear Zball,

I had a similar problem on my computer, though I was running McAfee Suite
#8. For me, I narrowed it down to when I would check email the co-processor
would jump to 100% and then hang there indefinitely. (I usually didn't run MS
Outlook all the time, only a certain times of the day.) The solution for me
was that my spamkiller had a corrupt file. I uninstalled the whole package
and re-installed it. Once I did that, the computer ran like it was suppose

Hope this helps.


Zball said:
Hey Guys,
For some reason when the computer remains inactive for say 20 minutes the
CPU usage rises up to 100% and will not go back down. Rather than say 80%
going to "System Idle Process" it all goes to "Explorer" and sometimes other
running processes. Anyone know why this could be? I did a virus scan with
Norton Anti-Virus... Nothing... I ran Adaware, and it removed 23 things...
most non threatening...still no improvement.
Anyone have any idea how to fix this so my computer will work again? It is
painfully slow!!!
Thanks in advance.
Here are some pictures to show what I mean:


Try going into STart>Run Then type %temp% Next , delete as many of
the files in here as you can. some might not allow you to delet them. This
worked for me and now explorer.exe and cpu usage is back to normal

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