Access CPU Usage:100% when accessing Folder on D: drive

Jun 23, 2005
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Hi...I am having a random problem.

Every time I access a folder on my D: drive my CPU starts running between 85% - 100%. The process that is taking up the majority of the proccessor is explorer. I can alleviate the problem if I end the explorer process and restart it by starting explorer again with run.

The folder is filled with *.avi's, *.mpeg's, Mp3's, etc.

It is driving me nuts.

If anyone has any insight I would greatly appreciate it.


I assume you have defragged and error checked the drive. Is it a hard drive folder or on a CD rom etc?

Can you tidy the folder up and burn it to disc if it is a hard drive disc.

Or it could be your optical drive has gone tits up! Have you tried any other disc?
Captainpants said:
I assume you have defragged and error checked the drive. Is it a hard drive folder or on a CD rom etc?

Can you tidy the folder up and burn it to disc if it is a hard drive disc.

Or it could be your optical drive has gone tits up! Have you tried any other disc?

It is a hard drive. I have tried defraging, but it seems unable to defrag completely.

I have also error checked it, to no avail.

I am at a loss. I don't think it is from an update either.
If the defrag report states that the drive cannot be full defragged then I would think it is an indication that your hard drive is either on the slow downward path to failure or XP is preventing you from defrag and poss why your computer is whirring like mad etc. I have found a forum link that may be of interest. It worth a try even it only eliminates possibilities

More importantly can you move any of the files to another drive- like a dongle or burner.

Another thing to look at is your system resources in task manager. is there anything unusual?