CPU usage 100%, computer temperature becomes to hot!

  • Thread starter Thread starter BaoDuong
  • Start date Start date


Hi, I'm running Windows XP Pro SP2 and I have developed a problem where by
the CPU keeps going to 100% and either freezes the PC or slows it down to
virtually standstill. I have searched on the net and found that quite a few
people have this problem. I tried some of the fixes suggested, but they
didn't work. I have to reboot the PC and then it's fine for awhile. What
could possibly be causing this problem? Is this a problem with the operating
system or is it a hardware problem? I hope you can help with this problem.
Open event-viewer & get the details...You can also follow microsofts recomen-
dation on how to narrow those problems by running Msconfig.Follow the guide
in kb310560
BaoDuong said:
Hi, I'm running Windows XP Pro SP2 and I have developed a problem where by
the CPU keeps going to 100% and either freezes the PC or slows it down to
virtually standstill. I have searched on the net and found that quite a few
people have this problem. I tried some of the fixes suggested, but they
didn't work. I have to reboot the PC and then it's fine for awhile. What
could possibly be causing this problem? Is this a problem with the operating
system or is it a hardware problem? I hope you can help with this problem.
Also, check the cpu cooling system. Make sure the fan is running, the heat sink is
properly seated, and that the heat transfer grease between the cpu and heatsink
hasn't dried up.
Hi, this problem happened to me too. The problem is usually because of
software running 100% and using all you CPU and then the computer freezes and
you would need to restart the computer. Sometimes it doesn't happen and
sometimes it does.
There is a way to stop it from happening; PLEASE READ IT ALL BEFORE DOING
- When you see the welcome screen, get ready to press 'ctrl+alt+delete'
- You would need to do it quickly because it could freezes again
- Then 'Windows Task Manager' pops up
- Then click on the 'Processes' tab
- Scroll down to the end
- look for 'System Idle Process'
- then there is numbers going up and down 'CPU' that show how much you have
remaining, when it goes down to '0' your CPU is running at 100%
- When you see it go down to '0' scroll up and look for the program that is
using all the CPU.
- remember the name
- CAUTION- in the column 'User Name' it has to show your name NOT SYSTEM,
If you 'End Process' to that, that is your risk you are taking.
- click on the one which is most of the CPU usage
- Then click on End Process
- Then click 'OK'
- You CPU Usage should be back to normal
- go to Google write the name of the program which was using most of the CPU
- When you find what the name is
- go and find it in the computer and uninstall it

This helped me fix my problem I hope it helps you too
BaoDuong said:
Hi, I'm running Windows XP Pro SP2 and I have developed a problem where by
the CPU keeps going to 100% and either freezes the PC or slows it down to
virtually standstill. I have searched on the net and found that quite a few
people have this problem. I tried some of the fixes suggested, but they
didn't work. I have to reboot the PC and then it's fine for awhile. What
could possibly be causing this problem? Is this a problem with the operating
system or is it a hardware problem? I hope you can help with this problem.
Hi, This happened to me and i found out that it was zone alarm suite that
caused it so i uninstalled it and no problems since.
I then downloaded the seti Now called BOINC and it caused it again and again
i uninstalled it and now again no problems. So the chances are that it is
some program that is hogging all your resources.
Hey, this happens because mostly by software not working probably. But I you
feel like that the problem is from a hardware not working probably or you
haven’t instilling it.
You can check by;
- right click on my computer
- click on properties
- click on 'hardware' (tab)
- Then click on ‘device manager’
- then look for the hardware with the yellow'?' or check each one that it is

If it doesn't help, tell me
Good lucky
Hey BaoDuong, My problem is similar but cannot attribute it to any
program/service. When I open taskmgr, this task takes a lot of cpu and then
the numbers jump up and down across several windows tasks. I had this problem
in XP Pro-SP2 and continues to have it after my upgrade to Vista-Ultimate. I
am going to look into the hardware aspect of it tonight but wanted to run
this by you to see if you had any thoughts.