CPU Temperature

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tony
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My CPU temperature seems high ever since i updated my pc
to sp1,

I am running windows XP SP1 have an AMD Athlone 2800XP.

The Temp used to be about 40 degrees but now it's idle
running temp is 60 - 65 degrees.
If i turn the pc on in the morning the temp is 50 degrees
but within 5 mins shoots up to 60 plus.

I have checked my CPU fan and cleaned it up but still
have the same effect.

I have read that it would be wise to add some thermal
paste to it so it can be seated correctly, but surely the
temp would have been 60 plus degrees when i put the fan
in in the first place.

Hope you understand this and look forward to replies
Tony, I was running at between 60 and 70C. I removed my Copper Heatsink
and Fan and cleaned the
CPU ( XP 2400 ) with isopropyl alcohol. Then I replaced the Heatsink with
the Stock that came with
the CPU and added fresh Artic Silver. Running now at 40-45C. So give the
cleaning and paste a try.
My CPU temperature seems high ever since i updated my pc
to sp1,

I am running windows XP SP1 have an AMD Athlone 2800XP.
I think the update to SP1 and the heat increase are coincidence. The
only thing that seems plausible is that perhaps your temp monitoring
software was giving you incorrect data before and now its more accurate.
Check if a case fan died, try cleaning the fans, the inside of your case
with "Dust-Off" (compressed air in a can).

Learn more about cooling at some place like: http://www.overclockers.com/
They've got great forums and lots of info on cooling, though geared
towards people who overclock their systems, there's plenty of info for
those running at stock speeds.

If there is no thermal paste or pad between the heatsink and CPU core,
that is bad news. Be careful how you add thermal paste, getting arctic
silver all over the place can cause problems, follow the instructions at
Thanks for your advice guys, will try some of that stuff
later and let you know how i get on.

I have since tried usinf thermal paste and alos tried a
new CPU Fan but my tenp is still around the 60 degree

should i try a system fan or just stick with what i have
wow your comptuer runs like a charm. My laptop runs at 69 C just sitting
there. After playing UT 2004 for one min. it's up to 85C. that's horrible.
i tried the paste, a laptop cooling stand. i'm out of options over here. lol