The AMD website has details, look under the keyword
58 C= 136.4 F, too hot to touch. Maybe within limits for
AMD. But a good fan and heatsink properly installed might
reduce the temp.
The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
message | what tempurature should my 1800 Athlon xp be running at
| cos its currently running around 58 celsius is this too
| high.
I also have a number of case fans and use arctic silver 5 thermal paste and
my barton 2500+ plus oc to a 3200+ runs at about 43c idle and about 51c full
It has been running at these temps for about a year and i have no problems.
Also your cpu temps has alot to do with the temp inside your case.
To test remove side cover of case, if cpu temps drop then you have bad
airflow inside your case. Install a few case fans 1 or 2 pulling air into
the case and a couple sucking air out.