I've got several PC's out there, whose cpu speed, once in a blue moon, gets
mis-identified during boot up. ...different brand and model motherboards /
different cpu's ! ...all have XP Home ed. OEM on them.
e.g. yesterday I attended a system box I built a couple of years ago, ...(or
was that 5?), boot/bios screen showing AMD XP1500+ when it actually has a
XP2200+(1.8ghz) in it. Had to tweak cpu fsb / multiplier settings that
didn't really need changing and after about three reboots cpu is now showing
correctly at boot up, and PC is noticeably faster.
A few weeks ago, (older PC), XP1800 (1.533ghz) showing at boot up as XP1200
or 1000 i think it was. On that machine one could see that cpu bios
settings had gone to failsafe defaults, compared to the XP2200+ with correct
cpu settings in bios but operating at / and showing and operating at the
wrong speed at boot up, and seemingly needless tweaking put it right.
My PC has done that twice or maybe three times during the past 6+ years i.e.
XP2600+barton drops from 1917mhz to something much less. A quick rummage
in the bios and all is then OK !
Come to think of it, Dad's PIII 6000EB has done it a couple of times. Lots
of others of mine have a similar "blue moon," so perhaps they ALL do it
across the years ?
regards, Richard
mis-identified during boot up. ...different brand and model motherboards /
different cpu's ! ...all have XP Home ed. OEM on them.
e.g. yesterday I attended a system box I built a couple of years ago, ...(or
was that 5?), boot/bios screen showing AMD XP1500+ when it actually has a
XP2200+(1.8ghz) in it. Had to tweak cpu fsb / multiplier settings that
didn't really need changing and after about three reboots cpu is now showing
correctly at boot up, and PC is noticeably faster.
A few weeks ago, (older PC), XP1800 (1.533ghz) showing at boot up as XP1200
or 1000 i think it was. On that machine one could see that cpu bios
settings had gone to failsafe defaults, compared to the XP2200+ with correct
cpu settings in bios but operating at / and showing and operating at the
wrong speed at boot up, and seemingly needless tweaking put it right.
My PC has done that twice or maybe three times during the past 6+ years i.e.
XP2600+barton drops from 1917mhz to something much less. A quick rummage
in the bios and all is then OK !
Come to think of it, Dad's PIII 6000EB has done it a couple of times. Lots
of others of mine have a similar "blue moon," so perhaps they ALL do it
across the years ?
regards, Richard