John Bottonari
Is the 3700+ the fastest 754 that we'll see?
Thanks for reply.
Thanks for reply.
Is the 3700+ the fastest 754 that we'll see?
unless you overclock it or one of the others, probably. And I wouldn't buyIs the 3700+ the fastest 754 that we'll see?
As we mentioned in the last update, all of the socket 754 chips are
scheduled for EOL by Q3'05; beyond that, Athlon 64 will only be
available on socket 939.
There will be A64 cpu's for 754 for at the very least another 2 years. ByEn [email protected], Peter Strömberg va
No Paris after that date? What will do the 130nm line then?
And since the Sempron PR seems to be quite a bit different (@1.8GHz,
512KB=>2800+, 256KB=>3100+ ;-) so what @2.4GHz?), perhaps the "Sempron >=
3500+" scheduled for Q1 '06 that your link mentions, could qualify.
Who knows? (my guess is that the mkg heads at AMD do not)