Daave said:
My PC is 5½ years old. It's a barebones model with an EliteGroup
P6SET-ML motherboard with onboard audio and video and 32 KB primary
memory cache and 128 KB secondary memory cache. The CPU/SDRAM bus
frequency is 66/66 MHz. It has a 500 MHz PPGA (socket 370) Celeron
I've been looking at different things to tweak to eek out more power (I
know...not a lot by today's standards!).
One thing I thought was odd were the settings from the BIOS & CPU
Features Setup:
CPU Internal Core Speed: 233 MHz
CPU/SDRAM Bus Frequeny: 66/66 MHz
CPU Core: Bus Freq.Multiple: 3.5x
Okay, I know that 3.5 times 66 = 231 (close enough to the 233 listed).
But the speed of my processor is 500 MHz! What's going on?
There was a time, when the multiplier setting could be set via
jumpers or dip switch. But then Intel started locking the multiplier
inside the processor. This does two things. It gets around any issues
with the range of options offered by the jumpers. (Like processors where
the multiplier goes up to 14X.) But it also prevents overclocking via
multiplier jumpers only. To overclock, you could try changing the FSB clock,
with the downside of that being, that the old boards tied PCI and AGP
clock to the FSB clock, so the peripheral busses could end up overclocked
past their limits. On modern boards, the PCI and AGP clocks are "locked",
meaning they are independent and async to the other clocks in the system.
On a modern board, PCI and AGP stay at the proper frequencies, while you
adjust the FSB. On the older boards, they were still tied together.
(On the machine I'm typing on, I run at 100MHz, giving PCI=33 and AGP=66.
If I bump the clock to 112MHz, the PCI is 37.3 and AGP is 74.6MHz. Which
is a comfortable limit for the PCI at least. Some of the older AGP cards
could be run at 100MHz on the AGP bus, so an older AGP card may be less
of a limit, than proper operation of the PCI bus.)
Chances are, whatever you find as a substitute for your processor,
it will have a locked multiplier as well. So whatever the multiplier
is set at, you'll be able to continue to ignore it.
This page suggests a SECC2 form factor processor, as a faster alternative.
Mainly because the S370 "PPGA" suggests to me, that more modern S370
processors may not be compatible with the socket. It is possible there
were some hardware hacks you could do at the socket level (maybe some
drilled pins and wired jumpers), to allow a Coppermine S370 to be used.
But that is not likely to be a lot of fun, if this is your only computer.
And it may turn out, that it is easier to find an SECC2, than the right
S370 processor.
I think I can see where the 850MHz limit is coming from. If I look at
the Pentium III section of processorfinder.intel.com , and set the
selector to 100MHz only, the fastest SECC2 processor is 850MHz/100MHz/256KB.
That is a CPUID of 0683.
If you were to buy a 133Mhz FSB processor, and run it at 100Mhz, I
think the top multiplier on those is lower than the 850MHz/100MHz
processor, so you'd be no further ahead. So at first glance, it
does look like the 850MHz/100MHz SECC2 might be your best alternative.
(At least, if I can trust that mainboard.cz listing as being correct.
You can hunt around ecs.com.tw for more info I supposed.)
It is also possible, you could plug a Powerleap processor, or a SECC2
slocket adapter with S370 socket on it. Yes, that does open a range of
new possibilities, up to 1.4GHz/100MHz level of S370 processor. But
some of the old BIOS had trouble with "high multiplier" processors,
and not all motherboard manufacturers, continued to produce BIOS
updates, to allow using devices like that. On my old board, I can use a
1.4GHz processor, but I have to manually add microcode using CTMC, so
my processor is not completely supported by using the latest BIOS.
Still, my BIOS is in better shape than some other motherboards of
that era. Maybe your 850MHz/100Mhz SECC2 module would have microcode
support, and fit within the limits of the BIOS.
If you could find an 850/100/256 processor for free, then doing the
upgrade may be worth it. But if you have to pay money for it, keep
in mind that your motherboard won't last forever. You might add a
new processor, only to have the motherboard die six months from
now. Keep that in mind, before going overboard with upgrades.
(Example of a recycled processor.)
Now, another thing that comes to mind, is I don't see the mechanical
bits for holding the SECC2 processor in place ? There should be some
plastic to hold an SECC2 module upright. You don't want to rely on
the SECC2 connector to hold the processor in an upright position.
So if that is a real working SECC2 slot on your motherboard, it really
needs proper mounting hardware, so the processor doesn't fall over
and muck up the pins in the slot. Mine uses a different scheme than
is shown on this page.