Cpu fan

Dec 1, 2008
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Hi I just received 2 1 gig ram cards. So I shut down my computer and unplugged it from the wall socket. After opening it up I noticed alot of dust so I used a can of compressed air to clean the fans (graphics card, power supply, and the cpu) and a general sweep of the motherboard. To install the new chips I had to take out my graphics card (It's too big and keeps hitting the ram slots) and put in the new chips. Then I put back the graphics card and turned on the cpu.

It started to make some beeping noises so I turned it off and looked if I did anything wrong. Then I turned it back on again and sure enough it started to beep again. I looked around and saw that my cpu fan isnt running for some reason. So I took out the new ram and put back in the 512meg ram(that came with the computer originally) and it still continued to beep. I checked on the power supply and its running smoothly.

The cpu fan starts up fine( and runs for like 1-2 seconds) then just stops for no reason (This is what I think causes the beeping, but it may be something else to).

So how should I troubleshoot this?

Computer: Acer T135 desktop
Os: Windows xp
Original ram:512megs
New ram:2 gigs 1 gig per slot. (The new ram should work fine because I checked on various websites about what type of ram my computer allows and found one that matches it)

Edit: oh and I removed the graphics card completely at the end to make sure that everything works fine before putting it back in(Kinda a hassle taking it out and putting it back in)
It sounds as if either the ram or graphics card aren't seated properly.

Make sure they're pushed firmly home in their slots.
this might not apply to your set up but have you connected the cable to the graphics card this is the PCIE cable without that connected the PC will make beeps and turn off.

wizkid said:
this might not apply to your set up but have you connected the cable to the graphics card this is the PCIE cable without that connected the PC will make beeps and turn off.


That did occur to me and would certainly fit the fault description but I thought from the post it was an older PC and probably has a graphics card that doesn't need extra juice.

I could be wrong though, so kudos for mentioning :thumb:
No I completely unhooked my graphics card and I made sure the ram was properly secured. But now the cpu fan wont run at all. Also my surge protector just blew up when I tried to run my computer.

Also for the beeps its like one long beep with 5 second pause and another long beep

Putting back the graphics card the graphics card fan starts to run extremely fast while the cpu still does nothing
Your computer won't boot without a graphics card fitted.

Does your grafix card need an extra power connection?

Did you try and boot the machine with no grafix card fitted?

Surge protector blowing indicates PSU fault, usually.

Could you explain 'blow up' in a little more detail.
My computer has a built in graphics card (the one on the motherboard) and by blowing up I meant that the on and off switch gave off a small electrical discharge and my graphics card was working fine before I opened up the computer.
First you say 'I completely unhooked my graphics card' and then you tell us you have onboard graphics :confused:

Then you tell us your surge protector 'blew up' and then that the on-off switch gave off a small electrical discharge. Describe the discharge. Static that you felt? Or did you notice sparking?

Which on-off switch? The Power Supply switch or the one at the front of the computer? And by surge protector I assume you mean a mains didtribution unit with surge protection. If so, what happened? Did a reset button pop out? A Fuse blow?

From the information you've given, I'm suspecting PSU fault but your outline of events seems contradictory. How did you unhook onboard graphics?
Sounds like a short, check to see if the ends of any cables are touching each other or the sides of the case or the psu, although it could be anything at the moment.
Well I suppose onboard graphics card isn't the right word. Its the default graphics outlet from the manufacturer on the motherboard. My other graphics card is the one that I bought separately and plugged it into the agp slot, This is the one that I remove and plug back in at various times to check to see if anything happens.

The surge protector looks something like this

http://www.rbnsat.com/mmatv/Images/AC SURGE STRIP.JPG

I noticed the electrical discharge from the surge protectors on off switch, but I was nowhere near close enough to have felt it. And after the electrical discharge near the surge protector I believe that everything shut down.