Tell us your make and model of the computer you are using.
We can help more with that information.
You access the BIOS, (system setup) by tapping a specific keyboard key as the computer is first
starting up.
Depending on the make and model, that key may be the "DEL" key or the "F2" key or some other key.
Most often, there is a brief message displayed when the manufacturer's logo shows that defines which
key to press for "system setup".
However, navigating the system setup windows will not be entirely intuitive.
With more information on your computer, someone here will know what instructions to give you next.
But your best bet would be to find an independent computer tech and get some one-on-one help.
| db·´¯`·...¸><)))º>,
| Hi.
| I see you said, "so check your bios
| or the utility on your
| desktop to turn the
| fan on".
| Could you please direct me how to access both?
| I'm fairly new at this.
| Thanks ever so much!
| --
| nz£$ifonly@possumshed.
| "db.·.. ><))) ·>` .. ." wrote:
| > well, if the fan is
| > off, then the cpu
| > will overheat and
| > it is engineered to
| > shut down when
| > it reaches a certain
| > temperature and to
| > avoid damage to the
| > cpu.
| >
| > so check your bios
| > or the utility on your
| > desktop to turn the
| > fan on.
| >
| > also, if the fan is on
| > then the physical fan
| > inside your computer
| > may not be functioning,
| > so the connections should
| > be check to ensure it has
| > power and the fan is spinning
| > "all the time".
| >
| > something else to keep in
| > mind that if your system
| > is overheating, then there
| > is poor air flow circulation.
| >
| > you might want to relocate
| > the computer to a cooler place
| > or keep the side panel of the
| > computer box opened and
| > direct a little desk fan into it.
| >
| > --
| >
| > db·´¯`·...¸><)))º>
| >
| >
| > | > > Hi guys.
| > >
| > > Everytime i start my PC I keep getting a message - defaults are on because
| > >
| > > Then it shuts down and starts up on its own?
| > >
| > > It keeps telling me to change the PC-FAN Temperature, but i don't know how
| > > to?
| > >
| > > Thanks in advance guys!
| > > --
| > > nz£$ifonly@possumshed.
| >
| >