CPU Fan Failed

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I have a HP Pavilion 8805 and when I start up the computer it says CPU Fan
failed system will shut down in 5 seconds, so I opened the case and the cpu
fan was not working which is a small 6cm by 6cm and 1cm thick. So I take out
the fan and tried in on another header in another computer's motherboard and
the fan is working ok, what would be the problem?

The copper traces that supply the header could be burned through, creating
an open connection = no power.


Richard Urban

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"
I plugged the fan back in and it started running but only for a few seconds
and stopped, turned the pc on again and same thing! so it's a motherboard
You could try plugging the fan into a different fan header. Please note
though that if the fan is drawing excessive current (defective) it could
burn out additional fan headers. Fans are cheaper than M/B's. Try a new fan


Richard Urban

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"
Unfortunally I only have 2 fan headers on the M/B, 1 is the cpu fan and the
other is p/s fan
Do you really think it could be the cpu fan? it appears to be working ok on
another computer
Time to call HP and talk to India.


Richard Urban

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"
Thanks for that :-)

Richard Urban said:
Time to call HP and talk to India.


Richard Urban

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"
I brought a new fan today and everything is working fine now, strange how
this old fan worked ok in another computer.
Just one more thing, I noticed there is a cable with a 3 pin plug amongst
the power supply cabling, does this cable plug into the p/s fan header on
the motherboard? as it wasn't plugged into anything, or is it there for
On my Antec power supply that cable is for monitoring the power supply fan
speed. You need the requisite connector on the M/B. Not all have it, I


Richard Urban

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"
Use the P/S_FAN header.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"

Richard Urban said:
Use the P/S_FAN header.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"