Dave Gower
A lot of the web pages I bring down have animations on them - ads or
something more elaborate i.e. moving weather images etc. But I'm wondering,
when these moving images are hidden - for example I've scrolled down so they
no longer show, or they're minimized, or they're underneath, do the
animations consume cpu cycles? Or do they only use computational power when
actually displayed?
The reason I'm curious is to know how important it is to close pages with
moving images so as not to slow down other activities.
something more elaborate i.e. moving weather images etc. But I'm wondering,
when these moving images are hidden - for example I've scrolled down so they
no longer show, or they're minimized, or they're underneath, do the
animations consume cpu cycles? Or do they only use computational power when
actually displayed?
The reason I'm curious is to know how important it is to close pages with
moving images so as not to slow down other activities.