CPU bottleneck



I have a app that reads data from a serial port and then does some
pretty basic sorting.
My problem is that the CPU usage get to 50-60% during this.
What is the correct methodology to find where the bottlenecks might
I'm using VS2005

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


Based on what you said, I don't think you have a problem. Just because
you have a CPU utilization of 50-60% doesn't mean that you have a
bottleneck, or that it's a bad thing.

Now, if you had said that you are seeing degraded performance of your
app (based against the expectations of the app, again, you have to have
something to compare it to, you can't just want it to be faster), then
that's a different story.

All that being said, I would look into getting VS.NET 2008 and using
some of the profile tools in that to see where your bottlenecks lie. There
are some third party tools as well (and I can't remember if the profiler is
in VS.NET 2005 as well), but a profiler of any sort is the way to go here,



    Based on what you said, I don't think you have a problem.  Justbecause
you have a CPU utilization of 50-60% doesn't mean that you have a
bottleneck, or that it's a bad thing.

    Now, if you had said that you are seeing degraded performance of your
app (based against the expectations of the app, again, you have to have
something to compare it to, you can't just want it to be faster), then
that's a different story.

    All that being said, I would look into getting VS.NET 2008 and using
some of the profile tools in that to see where your bottlenecks lie.  There
are some third party tools as well (and I can't remember if the profiler is
in VS.NET 2005 as well), but a profiler of any sort is the way to go here,

          - Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
          - (e-mail address removed)

I have a app that reads data from a serial port and then does some
pretty basic sorting.
My problem is that the CPU usage get to 50-60% during this.
What is the correct methodology to find where the bottlenecks might
I'm using VS2005
Mike- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Where is the profiler in 08?

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


Look under the "Analyze" menu item. This is for Team System, I don't
know if the professional or other editions have this, you will have to

There are still some third party tools that will help though, just
google ".NET profiler" and that should turn up some results.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)


Based on what you said, I don't think you have a problem. Just because
you have a CPU utilization of 50-60% doesn't mean that you have a
bottleneck, or that it's a bad thing.

Now, if you had said that you are seeing degraded performance of your
app (based against the expectations of the app, again, you have to have
something to compare it to, you can't just want it to be faster), then
that's a different story.

All that being said, I would look into getting VS.NET 2008 and using
some of the profile tools in that to see where your bottlenecks lie. There
are some third party tools as well (and I can't remember if the profiler
in VS.NET 2005 as well), but a profiler of any sort is the way to go here,

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

I have a app that reads data from a serial port and then does some
pretty basic sorting.
My problem is that the CPU usage get to 50-60% during this.
What is the correct methodology to find where the bottlenecks might
I'm using VS2005
Mike- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Where is the profiler in 08?

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