CPU and Ram allocations

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I have recently built a system using the ABIT Fatal1ty F-I90HD motherboard
with an Intel LGA 775 2.4 GHz, 1066FSB processor. My system keeps rebooting
randomly or freezing. What I have noticed is that my RAM is not utilized
above 50% (I have 2GB) while my processor is running at 80 to 95% capacity
right before a reboot.

Question: is it possible to set the system (via Vista) to use more RAM and
less processor for running applications? I'm also having issues with video
images blacking out but cannot find where to increase memory allocations for
video either (although, having iTunes appear in black when the memory has
only started may indicate a flaw with the board).

Thanks for any info you can provide.

Test your hardware.
Use memtest from a knoppix bootcd to determine RAM faults.
It sounds like you have a bad RAM stick.
And as for allocating RAM/Processor, you cannot; the only thing you can
do is set process affinity by right-clicking a process in Task Manager
and selecting which CPU core the process is allowed to run on.
The affinity setting does not stick between reboots.

=?Utf-8?B?TWlsZXMgRW1lcnNvbg==?= <Miles
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in
Thanks, Ace.
I've actually upgraded my Ram since the building of the system and still
suffer the same dilemma. I am wondering if it might be a motherboard issue.
All hardware has current drivers and is new for this system (except for HDs).
I have run the memory test which Vista offers and have found no problems.
My older system also uses a great deal of CPU when video editing, but it
doesn't suffer the random reboots. This is why I think (hope) it might be a
MB issue. We'll see.
Thanks again,

BTW, thanks for the tip about core selecting. I wasn't aware I could do that!
Question pertaining to affinity...I know I can select which processor a
specific app should use, though can I set a processor to only work for 1
specific app?

My reason is that I use VOIP with a bluetooth headset and there is a lag
everytime some other app needs processing power. I would like a cpu core to
only work for my x-lite app or the bluetooth module, whicheve is needing the

Thank you.
Not that I am aware of.
You might dedicate VOIP to CPU1 and then dedicate that other apps that are
normally using a lot of CPU power when you are using VOIP to CPU 2.
AFAIK in Vista you can set the priority of a program and you might look into
doing this instead. I believe that programs such as Media Center use this
capability to insure that they don't have problem when watching or recording