thanks map and gerry
svc host isnt in my widows folder, and i have current
norton antivirus.
however, i went through all the services like was
suggested, and the one causing all the problems is...
internet explorer. i couldnt stop it, so i disabled it.
interesting that i can still use the net, when i couldnt
when telephony was disabled... but i am wanderin off the
subject. will it be bad to leave internet explorer
disabled in the services (im usin internet explorer now),
or will i have to try and do something to fix it?
svc host isnt in my widows folder, and i have current
norton antivirus.
however, i went through all the services like was
suggested, and the one causing all the problems is...
internet explorer. i couldnt stop it, so i disabled it.
interesting that i can still use the net, when i couldnt
when telephony was disabled... but i am wanderin off the
subject. will it be bad to leave internet explorer
disabled in the services (im usin internet explorer now),
or will i have to try and do something to fix it?