I have been postponing the transference of my system from an old IDE
to a new SATA for months and using the new HD just for storage because
I couldn't get a clone to work. It's been a little hard to put
together the information I used to solve my problem, so I'm writing
this for future reference for anyone trying to solve similar problems.
When I cloned my C: partition to the first 15gb partition on my new
HD, I would get a system disk failure at boot. Most tips on how to
solve this kind of problem wouldn't work (fix mbr, check boot
sequence, boot.ini), even doing a repair installation of XP (which I
was trying to avoid anyway). At some point I realized the problem was
that the new disk had been set as Dynamic (don't remember why or how)!
Converting it back to Basic with Paragon Partition Manager and
recloning got me much further in the boot process.
Still, I couldn't get past a blue welcome screen with the XP logo
(just before login screen). After some research, I found this page:
I then used regedt32 in my old disk to edit the clone's registry and
deleted all entries at [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices].
Booted normally after that.
I just wrote this as a future reference for anyone having similar
problems. I got quite frustrated when I couldn't find straightforward
solutions to the issues I was having, specially the first one. When
searching for boot problems I think I didn't find a single mention
about checking if the disk was set up as basic.
to a new SATA for months and using the new HD just for storage because
I couldn't get a clone to work. It's been a little hard to put
together the information I used to solve my problem, so I'm writing
this for future reference for anyone trying to solve similar problems.
When I cloned my C: partition to the first 15gb partition on my new
HD, I would get a system disk failure at boot. Most tips on how to
solve this kind of problem wouldn't work (fix mbr, check boot
sequence, boot.ini), even doing a repair installation of XP (which I
was trying to avoid anyway). At some point I realized the problem was
that the new disk had been set as Dynamic (don't remember why or how)!
Converting it back to Basic with Paragon Partition Manager and
recloning got me much further in the boot process.
Still, I couldn't get past a blue welcome screen with the XP logo
(just before login screen). After some research, I found this page:
I then used regedt32 in my old disk to edit the clone's registry and
deleted all entries at [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices].
Booted normally after that.
I just wrote this as a future reference for anyone having similar
problems. I got quite frustrated when I couldn't find straightforward
solutions to the issues I was having, specially the first one. When
searching for boot problems I think I didn't find a single mention
about checking if the disk was set up as basic.