countup on screen

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alabastar
  • Start date Start date



I have created a short movie using ULEAD VideoStudio.

I want to include a counter in the corner of the screen.

Rather than Hours Minutes and Seconds, I just want a number counter
(000000 ie about 6 digits).

I would like the option to be able to change its counting rate, since
I don't know yet exactly what count speed I require..

It ought to be somewhere between 1 count every 2 seconds, to 1 count
every 0.5 seconds.

(I believe it will be 0.75 seconds per count).

I did find an old post which described how to do it, but it was a few
years old, and the files they refer to (avisynth.dll & mplayer2.exe)
aren't on my PC.

I didn't really want to load in old files if there is an easier way to
do it with the PC as it is. (Its only 1 year old).

Heres the link to the old thread: Thanks
Hi, I did contact Rehan, and he kindly and quickly provided me with a
great solution.

I'm a green horn, yet it is so simple to use.

I can even change the font itself, the font colour or the font size.

I require the couner to count every 1.6 seconds so its simply a case
of adjusting the playback speed of my overlay within VideoStudio, ie
(100/1.6)% playback speed.

The code used is below.

I hope you find it useful too.


#------------------- copy below this line ---------------------
# the colors are in the form of RRGGBB
textColor = $000000
backColor = $ffffff
textFormat = "%08.2f"
textHeight = 100
textFont = "Trebuchet MS"

BlankClip(length=3*60*30, height=int(textHeight*1.1), \
width=int(4.5*textHeight), \
fps=30, color=backColor)
ScriptClip( "Subtitle( String(current_frame / FrameRate(),textFormat),
size=textHeight, text_color=textColor, \
halo_color=backColor, align=8, font=textFont )" )
#--------------------copy till above this line --------------------

Courtesy of:

Excellent, thanks for the update.
I knew Rehan would come through for you.
Me, I'm the DVD guy :-)
