I want to replace, with an Excel workbook, a blank hardcopy table in
which users count the number of occurrences of a particular kind (in
this case various types of queries at a reception desk) by marking
boxes with with a | for every occurence then a slash through every
|||| in the 'five bar gate' way. What's the best way to set up a
workbook so they can do something similar with one keystroke or one
mouse-click for each occurrence? I could just get them to increase
the number in each box by one every time they get a query, but I think
this might be confusing,
which users count the number of occurrences of a particular kind (in
this case various types of queries at a reception desk) by marking
boxes with with a | for every occurence then a slash through every
|||| in the 'five bar gate' way. What's the best way to set up a
workbook so they can do something similar with one keystroke or one
mouse-click for each occurrence? I could just get them to increase
the number in each box by one every time they get a query, but I think
this might be confusing,