John Taylor
Basically I have created a combo box called "Priority" with two fields - one
is text, the other is a number.
The data goes like this
Text field "High - within 14 working Days" the number field is (obviously)
Text field "Normal - within 28 working Days" the number field is (obviously)
I also have another field "Days" to add the number to a date - but I only
want to count working days - can this be done. For example if I open a
record on 5th January, then 14 working days is actually 18 days. However if
I open a record on say 9th January the actual days are 20.
The date fields I use are simply a "OpenedDate" and a "DueDate" - the number
from the combo box goes to a field called "Days"
I have an "OnChage" event in the combo box like this: -
Private Sub Priority_Change()
Me!days = Me!Priority.Column(1)
If Me!Priority = "Normal - within 28 working Days" Then
Me!DueDate = Me!OpenedDate + Me!Days
ElseIf Me!Priority = "High - within 14 working Days" Then
Me!DueDate = Me!OpenedDate + Me!Days
End If
End Sub
All my code works as it should - is there some way of "coding" working days
(or non working days".
All help will be greatly appreciated.
Using A2003
John Taylor
is text, the other is a number.
The data goes like this
Text field "High - within 14 working Days" the number field is (obviously)
Text field "Normal - within 28 working Days" the number field is (obviously)
I also have another field "Days" to add the number to a date - but I only
want to count working days - can this be done. For example if I open a
record on 5th January, then 14 working days is actually 18 days. However if
I open a record on say 9th January the actual days are 20.
The date fields I use are simply a "OpenedDate" and a "DueDate" - the number
from the combo box goes to a field called "Days"
I have an "OnChage" event in the combo box like this: -
Private Sub Priority_Change()
Me!days = Me!Priority.Column(1)
If Me!Priority = "Normal - within 28 working Days" Then
Me!DueDate = Me!OpenedDate + Me!Days
ElseIf Me!Priority = "High - within 14 working Days" Then
Me!DueDate = Me!OpenedDate + Me!Days
End If
End Sub
All my code works as it should - is there some way of "coding" working days
(or non working days".
All help will be greatly appreciated.
Using A2003
John Taylor