I have a report that lists records sorted by employee. Each record has a quantity, a call management ticket number, a client, etc. At the end of each employee I need to total the number of assignments by summing the [quantity]. I also need to tell how many call management tickets each employee had. A ticket could contain multiple records, so I would like to see the following...
Client Assignment Ticket# Qty
Employee: John smith
AAA Office Supply Service 55435 2
AAA Office Supply Install 55435 1
AAA Office Supply Delivery 56728 1
Jones Automotive Install 54645 2
Jones Automotive Delivery 57688 1
Jones Automotive Delivery 59755 2
Tickets: 5 Assignments: 8
Employee: Phil Wilson
Office Automation, Inc. Delivery 57984 2
Tickets: 1 Assignments: 2
I can count the assignments with no problem, but can't get the tickets right.
Thanks, in advance for your help!
Client Assignment Ticket# Qty
Employee: John smith
AAA Office Supply Service 55435 2
AAA Office Supply Install 55435 1
AAA Office Supply Delivery 56728 1
Jones Automotive Install 54645 2
Jones Automotive Delivery 57688 1
Jones Automotive Delivery 59755 2
Tickets: 5 Assignments: 8
Employee: Phil Wilson
Office Automation, Inc. Delivery 57984 2
Tickets: 1 Assignments: 2
I can count the assignments with no problem, but can't get the tickets right.
Thanks, in advance for your help!