Counting Records in recordset

  • Thread starter Thread starter Douglas
  • Start date Start date


I have a form that can potentially open 1,500,000 records
if the user wants to. I do not want this and want a
message returned if their selection returns more than
500,000 records.

Currently I am doing something like this and is too slow:

vRecordCount = DCount("*","Table","Period = # AND Account
= # AND Company = #")
If vRecordCount > 500000 Then
MsgBox "Too many records. Make Criteria more specific."
Exit Sub

Is there a way to get a faster record count on a query of
record criteria of a table that can be used in conjunction
with opening the form.

Thanks for your help.

Douglas said:
I have a form that can potentially open 1,500,000 records
if the user wants to. I do not want this and want a
message returned if their selection returns more than
500,000 records.

Currently I am doing something like this and is too slow:

vRecordCount = DCount("*","Table","Period = # AND Account
= # AND Company = #")
If vRecordCount > 500000 Then
MsgBox "Too many records. Make Criteria more specific."
Exit Sub

Is there a way to get a faster record count on a query of
record criteria of a table that can be used in conjunction
with opening the form.

Thanks for your help.


Probably if you use DAO and Recordset it may be faster...!

Public Function retCount(strSQL as string) as long
Dim rs as DAO.Recordset
Set rs=Currentdb.Openrecordset(strSQL)
If not rs.bof and rs.eof then
end if
set rs=Nothing
End Function

You may call it like this:
RecNum=retCount "SELECT * From Table WHERE Period ........."

Try it because it's really faster than DCOUNT....!

ALESSANDRO Baraldi said:
Probably if you use DAO and Recordset it may be faster...!

Public Function retCount(strSQL as string) as long
Dim rs as DAO.Recordset
Set rs=Currentdb.Openrecordset(strSQL)
If not rs.bof and rs.eof then
end if
set rs=Nothing
End Function

You may call it like this:
RecNum=retCount "SELECT * From Table WHERE Period ........."

Try it because it's really faster than DCOUNT....!

First of call, that needs to be

RecNum=retCount("SELECT * From Table WHERE Period .........")

(Function arguments must be enclosed in parentheses)

I would think, though, that it might be faster to do a SELECT COUNT(*) As
TotalRecords..., rather than returning the entire recordset and having to go
to the end of it to get a complete count.

Public Function retCount(TableName As String, WhereClause As String) As Long
Dim rs as DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL as String

strSQL = "SELECT Count(*) As TotalRecords " & _
"FROM [" & TableName & "] " & _
"WHERE " & WhereClause
Set rs=CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
set rs=Nothing
End Function

Use this retCount the same as DCount (except that you don't need the first

vRecordCount = retCount("Table","Period = # AND Account = # AND Company =