Patrick Graham
I have a table structure like so:
tblIPS.IpsID -- > tblClient.ClientID -->
tblClientAccount.AccountNumber -->
Now every client is connected to only one IPS (Investment
Policy Statement). An IPS can have 1 to however many
clients i.e. Husband and Wife.
Each Client can have 1 account, multiple accounts, no
accounts and (now heres the kicker) an account can be
shared between 2 clients.
There is one advisor associated with an IPS and I need to
count the number of accounts that exist for that IPS. But
the shared accounts are a problem. How can I deal with
the shared accounts without ignoring the other accounts
that client may share individually?
I'm looking for a quick method, I have a way that uses 3
queries but it is slooowwww.
tblIPS.IpsID -- > tblClient.ClientID -->
tblClientAccount.AccountNumber -->
Now every client is connected to only one IPS (Investment
Policy Statement). An IPS can have 1 to however many
clients i.e. Husband and Wife.
Each Client can have 1 account, multiple accounts, no
accounts and (now heres the kicker) an account can be
shared between 2 clients.
There is one advisor associated with an IPS and I need to
count the number of accounts that exist for that IPS. But
the shared accounts are a problem. How can I deal with
the shared accounts without ignoring the other accounts
that client may share individually?
I'm looking for a quick method, I have a way that uses 3
queries but it is slooowwww.