Counting from multiple fields

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Each record I have has 7 different serial number fields. Some records just
have 1 serial number, while others might have multiple. My fields are named
SN1, SN2, SN3, etc, but regardless of which field the # is in, it is still
essentially the same. I am making a pivot table where I want to count how
many total serial numbers fall into each category of record type. The only
things I have tried so far give me the format shown below, but I need a
single count instead of seperate counts. Is this possible?

Category Data Total
Category A Count of SN1 3
Count of SN2 8
Count of SN3 2
Count of SN4 5
Count of SN5 6
Count of SN6 2
Count of SN7 17
Category B Count of SN1 6
Count of SN2 9
Count of SN3 5
Count of SN4 3
Count of SN5 9
Count of SN6 16
Count of SN7 5
Category C Count of SN1 9
Count of SN2 14
Count of SN3 7
Count of SN4 3
Count of SN5 13
Count of SN6 6
Count of SN7 3
Hey Nice Solution

I have never seen the total in Upper Side in Pivot Table. It always is in
the Last Cell of the Range

I try Lots but couldn't Make Pivot Table Like you.

Could you Pls Guide me step by Step

Thanks in Advance

Hardeep Kanwar
This is what I am looking for, but I don't understand exactly what you did.
I'm working with Excel 2003. How do I get that SN Count to have the total
across from the Cat and not just the list below it? Thanks!
Awesome Man,

I See many Post in which you Replies and the most common thing in your
Replies is "PIVOT TABLE"

You are Gr8 in PIVOT TABLE.

If you Don't Mind Could you Pls Provide me the Example of Pivot Table.

Because the Way you Explain in your Example that is very Simple and Clear.

Thanks in Advance

Hardeep kanwar

I try Lots but Could not Find what you have done.

When i try to make Pivot table, In my Pivot Table the Field Shown as

But in your Pivot Table it show


I try Lots n lots, I make me Mad
Excel 2007
The default PT field names (Row,Column,Value)
can be renamed to anything else (MyCategory, Serial#, ...)
but don't use the source names (Sn1, Sn2, ...)