E Edson Jan 22, 2004 #1 Hi,, anyone can help me to develop a script to count how many files there are one a directory?
M Michael Bednarek Jan 22, 2004 #2 Hi,, anyone can help me to develop a script to count how many files there are one a directory? Click to expand... The simplest method I know is, using 4NT as CLI: SET nFiles=%@FILES[*.*,-d] @FILES[] is documented at <http://jpsoft.com/help/f_files.htm>
Hi,, anyone can help me to develop a script to count how many files there are one a directory? Click to expand... The simplest method I know is, using 4NT as CLI: SET nFiles=%@FILES[*.*,-d] @FILES[] is documented at <http://jpsoft.com/help/f_files.htm>
A Austin M. Horst Jan 22, 2004 #3 DIR x:\foldername | FIND/I " FILE(S) " Example: DIR C:\ | FIND/I " FILE(S) " Austin M. Horst
M Matthias Tacke Jan 22, 2004 #4 Edson said: Hi,, anyone can help me to develop a script to count how many files there are one a directory? Click to expand... From the commad line for /F "delims=[]" %A in ('dir /B/A-D^|find /N /V "" ') do @set files=%A In a batch double the percent signs HTH
Edson said: Hi,, anyone can help me to develop a script to count how many files there are one a directory? Click to expand... From the commad line for /F "delims=[]" %A in ('dir /B/A-D^|find /N /V "" ') do @set files=%A In a batch double the percent signs HTH