Thanks for the Help Ken
I have a run into a couple of problems trying this. I am using
Sub SearchCalendar()
Dim objSch As Outlook.Search
Dim rsts As Outlook.Results
Dim i As Integer
blnSearchComp = False
Const strF1 As String = "urn:schemas:calendar:location = 'Kish
Const strS1 As String = "IJM Travel Calendar"
Set objSch = Application.AdvancedSearch(Scope:=strS1,
Filter:=strF1, SearchSubFolders:=False, Tag:="SubjectSearch")
While blnSearchComp = False
Set rsts = objSch.Results
MsgBox rsts.Count
End Sub
(straight out of the Online Help)
I end up with an error in the set objSch line which I assume is the way
the strF1 string has been set, is there anything there that ive messed
secondly , I can this will work fine for counting the number of events
that meet the search but where I have events running multiple days will
it not just report this as 1 event not duration??
Once again your help is appreciated