I'm working on a health project and I want to count the number of people who
completed their Baseline paperwork, but did not get randomized into a
treatment group because they dropped out of the study.
I want to refer to Baseline Date (Date) and Randomized (Yes? No?)
If column D2999 (Baseline Date) have a date in the cell, then count it.
If column E2:E999 (Randomized) is "No" then count it.
I tried
=SUM((COUNTIF(Enrollment!D2499,"(DATE)")))+(COUNTIF(Enrollment!E2:E499,"No")) but this formulas is counting anything in D2499
I do not want to use count blanks because then things that aren't entered
yet will get counted. This is a that will continute to grow.
Is this possible? If not, please let me know.
completed their Baseline paperwork, but did not get randomized into a
treatment group because they dropped out of the study.
I want to refer to Baseline Date (Date) and Randomized (Yes? No?)
If column D2999 (Baseline Date) have a date in the cell, then count it.
If column E2:E999 (Randomized) is "No" then count it.
I tried
=SUM((COUNTIF(Enrollment!D2499,"(DATE)")))+(COUNTIF(Enrollment!E2:E499,"No")) but this formulas is counting anything in D2499
I do not want to use count blanks because then things that aren't entered
yet will get counted. This is a that will continute to grow.
Is this possible? If not, please let me know.