countine checkmarks

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jack
  • Start date Start date


I posted this last night and got a few ideas, but none
that I really think do things easily (unless I
misunderstand them). So, I am posting this again: thank
you so much for those who have already tried:

I am recording student attendance on Excel. (I am a
college professor). I have been entering numeric
values, '1' for present, '0' for absent. But I
want to just use checkmarks. The problem is, I don't know
how to add up the number of checks. How do I insert a
check box in a particular cell (with a series of twenty-
thirty checkmarks in a row)? I think I have that figured
out, but I may be doing it incorreclty. Then hoow do I
have, listed, in the last cell of the row, how many checks
are in the boxes?


All of the solutions yesterday seemed to be good to me?
Peo's seemed especially easy, I don't see why you don't
like it . . . But . . .

Put on all your checkboxes from the forms
At the bottom of the page put a button,

Add the following code to the button

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Chk As CheckBox
For Each Chk In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
If Chk.Value = xlOn Then Count = Count + 1
Range("A5").Value = Count
a = a
End Sub

Change A5 to your desired cell

Dan E