I have data in two sheets in a workbook (one called "policy log" and the
other "status"). In the policy log sheet I have data in two columns. In one
column I have "case mgmt." and the other "active". In the status sheet I am
trying to calculate how many active case mgmt. policies I have, in other
words, how many times case mgmt. and active appear together. I am using the
following formula and keep getting "0", but I know the value is greater than
0. Any suggestions?
=COUNTIFS('Policy Log'!D3
300, "=Case Mgmt.", 'Policy Log'!E3:E300,
Thank you!
I have data in two sheets in a workbook (one called "policy log" and the
other "status"). In the policy log sheet I have data in two columns. In one
column I have "case mgmt." and the other "active". In the status sheet I am
trying to calculate how many active case mgmt. policies I have, in other
words, how many times case mgmt. and active appear together. I am using the
following formula and keep getting "0", but I know the value is greater than
0. Any suggestions?
=COUNTIFS('Policy Log'!D3

Thank you!