Countif - shown blank cell



im trying to count the amount of times 'Red', blue, black etc is mentioned in
colounm K in worksheet 1, as i am entering the formula on a summary sheet.

the problem is the the have entered the formula on the summary sheet;
=COUNTIF('East & Park'!$E$5:$E$538,"Red")
=COUNTIF('East & Park'!$E$5:$E$538,"Blue")

but it doesnt work on the 'Red' it works for all the others apart from Red,
iv checked the spelling and its the same and in the work sheet, so its not
that, and i just dnt know how to correct this as i cant see the problem.

can anyone help

thanks in advance


Is there perhaps a leading or trailing space in Red?

Also, put Red in an empty cell, and copy this cell over all the other Red
cells. Fixed then?

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