Countif on different worksheet


Frank Kabel

Hi bernie
see your other post
P.s.: please don't multipost
-----Original Message-----
How can I use the COUNTIF function if the data is on a
different worksheet (samebook).
My workbook consist of 12 sheets labeled Jan-04 thru Dec- 04.
Each of the A1 cells contains month and yr. Example:
When I am on Jul-04 sheet my A1 would be JUL-04, how can I
use the COUNTIF function to reference the A1 cell in the
I do not want to hard code such as COUNTIF('Jan-04'!
F11:H11,0). I would like to have it dynamic so that if A1
change the the COUNTIF result will chane also.


Duplicate post, sorry

Frank Kabel said:
Hi bernie
see your other post
P.s.: please don't multipost

different worksheet (samebook).
When I am on Jul-04 sheet my A1 would be JUL-04, how can I
use the COUNTIF function to reference the A1 cell in the
F11:H11,0). I would like to have it dynamic so that if A1
change the the COUNTIF result will chane also.

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