Countif in multiple worksheets

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob
  • Start date Start date


I have a workbook, with multiple (70) sheets , each with it's own name. Each
sheet states in cell D2 "Yes", "No", or "Not sure". In a summary worksheet I
would like to count the number of times "yes" has been stated in cell D2 of
all worksheets. With COUNTF I can't get the range right. Is it possible to do
this? I sure could use some help, thanx

You cannot use COUNTIF (or SUMIF) with a 3D arguments such as

So you need a user-defined function
If the summary sheet is the first one on the tab list, then it is
Worksheet(1), the next is Worksheet(2) and so on.

Function countyes()
For j = 2 To 70
If Worksheets(j).Range("D2") = "Yes" Then
countyes = countyes + 1
End If
Next j
End Function

Not too familiar with VBA? See David McRitchie's site on "getting started"
with VBA

best wishes
Thanks, I used the user-defined function and it worked great. However it led
to another question: Is it possible to use extra criteria? For example:
If Cell D2 has "yes" or "No" and Cell E2 has "10" or "20" in each sheet, is
it possible to count the combinations of "yes" in D2 and "10" in E2 over all
sheets in the summary sheet?

Not tested, but this should work

Function countyes()
For j = 2 To 70
With Worksheet(j)
If .Range("D2") = "Yes" Then
If .Range("E2") = 10 or .Range("E2") = 20 Then
countyes = countyes + 1
End if
End If
Next j
End Function

If this fails, email be privately (remove>TRUENORTH.) and I will sort it out
when I have more time
best wishes
I tried the code, however it gives a compile error at "With Worksheet(j). It
states that the sub of function is not defined. Appreciate the help.

Function countyes()
mylast = Worksheets.Count
For j = 2 To mylast
With Worksheets(j)
If UCase(.Range("D2")) = "YES" Then
If .Range("E2") = 10 Or .Range("E2") = 20 Then
countyes = countyes + 1
End If
End If
End With
Next j
End Function

Sorry, I had omitted the last 's' from worksheets(j); and forgotten "End
I have added the UCASE so the user may type: yes, Yes, or YES
Change 'mylast' in< For j = 2 To mylast > to some number if you want to
restrict which sheets are looked at

best wishes